How do you explain the slow bleed from .12 and a sneaky R/S. EVERYONE got caught holding some sort of bag, and the one's that are out still check this out daily. Why? Because it does have potential. Do you really believe it is shareholders driving this down? Of course not, the interest is there and everyone is baffled at what has happened. Shorts have to cover and MM's don't hold stocks down for weeks at a time, let alone 2 months. If you have been trading for a while you can use common sense. Why did they start a new NV corp and authorize 1B shares? Too have them just sit there and not print. How do you think ARTS if financing the 4M for Rhupert? Or did you forget about that. They will do it with dilution. How can they not when in the 10Q it states a going concern and they are delinquent on payments and have no plan in place. They have 100k in the bank. Well, that's enough for 1 month of payroll and A/P. How is the CFO being paid 6 figures? How do you think they came up with the 1M cash for Luxor, let alone the shares. How do you think CDS was paid for, through A/R, right! EV has not used a dime of his own money and that's a fact! All these initiatives are being paid through shareholders. Whoever bought 1.2M shares after hours yesterday just had his/her investment caught in dilution IMHO. The facts speak for themselves. The initiatives are too agressive and they are cash poor relying on shareholders who are now frankly frustrated. The company looks at these boards and keeps track of sentiment. They could put a PR out with an update/clarification on operations but they won't because the O/S is a lot more and they would be exposed. There is a good entry point but YOU have to take in consideration of the aquisitions, how they are paid for, share structure, then break out a calculator and figure it out. Oh, yeah one other thing, don't they sell mattreses? Is that another initiative fallen by the wayside and shareholders took a hit.