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08/06/02 2:04 PM

#19 RE: augieboo #18

To:ild who wrote (181094)
From: stan_hughes Thursday, Jul 18, 2002 12:28 PM


All I can say about the PPT is that:
(a) I for one believe it exists
(b) I believe they have been active in the market, despite all the official pronouncements to the contrary. I wouldn't expect them to admit it because doing so would run 110% counter to the notion of the US having the so-called "freest" markets in the world
(c) that GS and MER have the type of 'ties that bind' via Rubin etc. that make them the most likely straw men for PPT activity, much the same way JPM has been the Fed's front man in the agenda to demonetize gold
(d) that the FRB no doubt has ways and means far beyond my feeble comprehension to mask their activities, so I don't expect I'll ever be the guy to turn up a smoking gun
(e) that PPT intervention in this market might serve to alter the steepness of the trajectory, but it can't change the direction or hold it back indefinitely

Like I said, color me paranoid, I'm happier that way anyway


To:stan_hughes who wrote (181101)
From: Earlie Thursday, Jul 18, 2002 2:30 PM

I read your post carefully. I just want to note that I share each and every one of your beliefs respecting the PPT and the Fed/Treasury involvement with the markets. (and I am not completely paranoid,......yet).

While the available evidence on the PPT is more circumstantial,...

- like the currency traders and the S&P futures traders all becoming wildly bullish at exactly 2:21 pm and as if in concert, just holding hands and diving into the pits together, taking out every ask in sight,
- or like the pre-market futures being driven up on no discernible news darned near every morning of late.
- or like Robert Rubin's brilliantly orchestrated "resignation" (somebody made several fortunes in a single day in the futures on that flip flop action).
- or like that first non-telegraphed rate move by the Fed, (ANNOUNCED DURING TRADING HOURS) (whoever bought the big package of options just before that announcement needed a dump truck to haul off the winnings) which coincidentally occurred just after the banks were put up against the wall by Big Al and told that they WOULD participate in the LTCM bail-out.
- etc.

With respect to the gold markets, the evidence gathered by the GATA boys is irrefutable IMHO, and Venerosa's research is both brilliant and supportive.

Best, Earlie


