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12/18/09 6:00 PM

#128556 RE: mastaflash #128555

A few points:

1) No Transfer Agent is BS.
2) FINRA not recognizing R/S as a corporate action? Wonder if the DTCC had anything to do with that?
3) SEC is "protecting investors" by revoking a stock that was NSS to death???????

Conclusion: The "regulators" are phuckin' crazy..... are we in the Matrix?

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12/18/09 6:20 PM

#128557 RE: mastaflash #128555

Good job masta! eom
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12/18/09 8:00 PM

#128564 RE: mastaflash #128555

Is this considered new news?
Some claimed TMeg had no ideal that this
was going to be revolked. Oh really?

In addition to the possibility for harm to public investors arising from trading in
counterfeit BCIT stock certificates, BCIT is delinquent in tiling periodic reports with the SEC
which it is required to make under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. During the fiveyear
period between November 2000 and December 2005, BClT did not make any of the
required Exchange Act periodic filings. After the events with Mr. Pino occurred, BCIT tiled
certain periodic reports during 2006 and 2007, but it again became delinquent in its public filings
after December 2007 and is currently delinquent. As a result, there is no current information
available to prospective buyers of BCIT stock as to the company" s assets or operations, if any
exist. BCIT therefore may be subject to a Commission action under Section 120) of the
Exchange Act which would suspend or revoke the registration of its stock and its eligibility for
public trading.
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12/18/09 10:03 PM

#128566 RE: mastaflash #128555

GEE..This was all already known back in July..I even posted numerous times of this exchange..and was shouted down.
I also posted for Ohbull to manifest this I knew he and his buds had recieved it he continued with his "the SFC is on our side" solicit funds..while it was known all along what was going to happen. was obvious from THAT time by the entities involved that have jurisdiction..that Megas would not least not with the info required by the SFC/SEC/DTCC...and that has been manifested as the truth to this Megas "ain't talk'in"..and won' least not with the response and info required by the SFC/SEC/DTCC.

As far as the SEC..nobody ever argued about the 10 day suspension not being effect..we all have known that for almost 4.5 years..but I'll say this again as before...IF THE SEC DOES NOT WANT THIS TO TRADE, IT WON'T, AND IT'S NOT.