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Helter Skelter

12/18/09 2:23 PM

#68 RE: dav1234 #67

OT: Not and out of MVIS which I really like long term, GHSE {Print company suffering similar to ABWTQ but actually had profit last Q. Thinking it may be way undervalued. Looking to get back in there.} Had some others that I've held for a while that popped recently, pvho {like long term}, upsn, iscr {trade}, opgx {garbage pinky 4 time play}, some others, in & out, bob & weave... ;)

No one day bounce board plays, lately. Should get back there. Had great action on bottom plays that I found while watching for bouncers...and some great one day bouncers...

Been taking a lot of time off, away from the pc/market. Enjoying some other "pursuits"... :)

Hope you've been doing well!

Any ideas on why abwtq is trailing off? Their liquidity looks to be much improved. I need to catch up on that action...will take it to that board.