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12/18/09 12:24 PM

#69893 RE: w8ting #69865

w8...good post.

I'll use one of my two remaining shots to chime in here as I see there is now some strange obsession on ENTK. First, imho, it's irresponsible to conjecture on the validity of ENTK's deals on the basis of lack of filings. It's very true that Q and K filings are required and to verify a company's financial reporting, but filings never show the entire picture with regard to a companies pipe or work flow. Not at such a nascent stage of a companies life. Further, those filings (or in the case of ENTK the lack thereof) are the business of ENTK not BEHL.

It should be no surprise to anyone that the green energy space as a whole is just getting its legs under it, therefore it would be no surprise to see several new companies in the space who would be struggling with immediate revenues, filings, cash-flow, etc. ENTK happens to be one of those. BEHL happens to be one of those. It would also be perfectly natural to see some jockeying between the group of extant players, who may be trying to envision mergers or acquisitions with just the right "like" players. And it would be expected that in that positioning, merger deals would and could be found not to be right for any number of reasons and strategies changed. What IS very true about the space as a whole, is many of the extant players are creating strategic partnerships and JV's with one another, as that is the best way for all of them, through applied synergies, to realize the goals of revenues and profitability as soon as possible.

Clearly, many disbelievers are holding many of these early "green" companies to the same fire that established companies in established industries are held to. That is in error imo. I have said I do not agree with some of the issues that surround ENTK. Such as continuing to allow a CE on their ticker and the 1:1000 reverse split they completed in the Fall. And because of those two things specifically, their current stock price is reflective. At today's current price of .82, as a pre rev split price, that is .00082. So nothing has been gained by their r/s strategy. Rarely, in such instances will it. However. Though ENTK is not quite getting the "public" concept part, they clearly are making progress on their expansion front with regard to strategic partnerships. The most recent EGC video on them and Extreme BioDiesel proves that. BEHL happens to be another one such partnership for ENTK when it comes to the algae-side of their interests. And then clearly MagneGas is another such example on the alt-natural gas side of the biofuel equation. ENTK seems to me to be trying to be a supplier of biofuel through several different sources that it feels all either are, or will be very profitable as the space matures. If that's their plan, than that's their choice. And it's important to recognize that BEHL and MNGA are companies that focus on two entirely different things.

On the algae-side, BEHL has more than once been recognized as most cost-effective, while also the most pure PBR, source by ENTK. Nothing has changed on that front from my POV. All that's left for interpretation is the timeframe in 2010 in which BEHL will deliver the systems to ENTK. This will all be revealed as time moves on. But judging by BEHL's progress of now being in final production-capable phase of the PBR components, sooner than later would be a reasonable assumption.

BEHL has now PROVEN to be a company that has shown they understand what is required to be a fully reporting company. It is no secret that is their goal eventually. They are back on the right track for that happen. Because, if you can't remain in compliance with Pinks, how would you on BB? Makes no sense. So what BEHL management has proven is they understand the objectives. ENTK is an entirely different story and they will have to reconcile their current position on their own. It has nothing to do with BEHL. BEHL and ENTK are STRATEGIC RESOURCE PARTNERS, not merged partners of the same entity. ENTK has publicly requested PBR systems ordered from BEHL and until those are proven retracted or rescinded, for me, they stand as requested for 2010. Whatever ENTK's filing and ticker situation is, that's their own issue, not BEHL's. BEHL has already completed their requisite compliance activity and is a Current Infromation PS listed ticker. If ENTK wants BEHL's PBR's and can cut the check, that's all that matters. Enough said.

and thanks boss for your kind remark...we'll get through this and BEHL will prove their sea-worthiness very soon. How about Monday as the next opp when they begin the work to install the new HQ PBR. MUCH sooner than later, the naysayers will be left with no more bullets...