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12/16/09 10:47 AM

#43073 RE: goldrusher #43068

Oh thats not the reason and you know it. They are "protecting themselves". If you were a broker would you want to be caught in a squeeze? The mm's here are trying desperately to avoid one...or at least get some cheap shares to lessen the damage.
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12/16/09 10:48 AM

#43076 RE: goldrusher #43068

How dont you realize that ST and TD dont give a shit about the avergae investor. They are in it to make money and how the will make money is by covering their short position and once covered they will open up trading again and then dump the shares much higher and make a killing. How dont you realize that.
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12/16/09 11:18 AM

#43123 RE: goldrusher #43068

"Two of the biggest internet brokerages are trying
to protect investors by saying "no HESG"" - I've given this a fair amount of consideration ever since TD and ST instituted bans. The reason that I don't believe they are "protecting" shareholders is twofold:
First - ETrade, Zecco, Fidelity, etc are allowing trades - so none of these other brokers care about protecting their customers?

Second - They won't give any reason why you can't buy (I called TD and they said that they don't know why buys are restricted). So they are protecting me but can't even give me a straight answer as to why I can't buy???

My only concern with HESG is that I don't see it reaching its potential until TD and ST allow buying and NO ONE knows how long they are going to stay sell-only.
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tommy 9 fingers

12/16/09 12:16 PM

#43202 RE: goldrusher #43068


Now you sound like a pumper for the MM's and brokerge firms here. Where is your DD that supports your theory that these firms are actually looking out for investors. SEC violations filed and fines accessed against NITE and ST and other companies show otherwise.

The shared BOD's of NITE and ST is a direct conflict of interest to the shareholders of all pennystocks ST sells. This alone should be a red flag to you and all. Don't get me wrong here, I am only saying this may be a battle between equally bad players here in this situation. But, I think many posters here have shown compelling evidence here that the MM's are in fact short on this stock and need it to fail. National experts have shown credible evidence that MM's issuing huge amounts of FTD's in P&D's just like this HESG situations actually exist and that upwards toward 30% of the shares traded during the highest volume days of the HESG pump were likely fake shares that now are being covered.

I am also a little disapointed that in my last post to you, you ignored some really good points as to why the bigs would not enter this market and focused your rebutal strictly on points supported only by your bias towards penny stocks and drive by DD.

Just so you know after we last communicated I spent a good 2 hours doing DD alone on just the Tabbacco companies to support your theory that they are ready and poised to enter this market and nothing not one article, not one link, nothing. The only thing out there was info on their efforts to stop legalization of any type and tons of ongoing lawsuits showing they may not have the guts to incur the liabilities of entering this market would mean. Please explain why they are so quiet and reluctant to publize their eminent take over of this industry as you suggest, please provide equally good points to why they are as I did as to why the are not. Please at least something more than this myth that they are to support you idea. I only ask this of you as you expect it of me.

Please also note that you don't see me on here pumping HESG as well. At best I have offered opinions as why i think a company with nothing to lose like HESG might be the expected first player to take a whack at doing this. And all though it may not look like 100% chance that Tom and the players involved here are the ones to accomplish this, it has also not been proven by 100% that they are not. Tom has not done what most P&D CEO's have done in the normal a P&D by simply disapearing from sight, he seems to still be doing stuff to actually make this happen. Whether all is efforts are simply fake has yet to be proven.

I have done every bit of DD I can to either prove of disprove what Tom is doing or saying he is doing and in truth I can find nothing to 100% support either theory as of yet. The info simply isn't there to say one or the other. But I can say this; The circles of assocaitions surronding Tom and the people he is in contact with do happen to be the leaders in this movement whether you like them or not, respect them or not. The one missing ingredient here for a big company to emerge it for a leader to bring all these players and experts together under one roof. All indications are that this is what is needed to make this work as an legitimate industry that survives all the resistance it will encounter. I think if you look at this industry objectively the saying "United we stand, Divided we fall" really says allot to their chances of success.

Whether HESG is the company to actually do this for the industry as yet to be seen, but please show me someone or some company that is in a better postion to do this and I will move my money there as I for one don't want to miss this boat.

Best regards,