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12/15/09 2:56 PM

#56 RE: Norm2 #55

It's proven to reduce hemmoroid inflamation also, although the application site is a bit different. The followup treatment is to make the company furnish you with paper share copies which you then wipe with to get the full benefit of the treatment and full benefit of the share value.


12/18/09 2:03 PM

#57 RE: Norm2 #55

Bovine Mastitis

SinoFresh can improve the profitability of dairy herds by reducing the costs of bovine mastitis.

A good summary about the economics of bovine mastitis can be found at this link.

Bovine mastitis might be considered a human related disease, since handlers that have contact with cattle are thought to be responsible for much most of the spreading of infection from cow to cow. Handlers should be required to wear gloves, and to change gloves when they move from cow to cow.

Flies are also a transmitter, particularly in summer. They visit the cow's nose, and fly to the teats to get the milk that drips from the teats when the bag is full. These flies can actually transmit blood borne infections. The mechanism is this. The cow's teats which are very soft and hanging low when full, are subject to getting minute scratches from the weeds or rocks in the pasture. The scratches provide entry to the bloodstream for the bacteria on the flies feet. Some areas have biting flies, but they are not considered
a big problem in the US or Canada.

I believe that the cow's nasal cavity is the repository for most of the bacteria that cause bovine mastitis. I believe that most of the costs to the herd owner by the infections is from cows which are not perceived to be "sick".

I believe that the solution is to treat all the cows in the herds. I don't know what the production cost of a liter of SinoFresh is, but I am certain the cost of the amount of SinoFresh needed per week to treat a cow is a very small fraction of the value of the increased milk production in that week from a cow.

What the company needs to do is develop a delivery system to deliver SinoFresh to dairy cattle. The small bottles used for humans will not work. It is probably not too important to minimize the amount of product used per cow, but of prime importance is being able to treat a lot of cattle rapidly without transmitting infections from cow to cow.

I remember from a long time ago, there was a company that sold canned, evaporated milk with the slogan "Milk from contented cows" [I think it was Carnation]. I don't know about the cows but I think that in a few years the owners of herds treated by SinoFresh will be quite content with their profit figures. And as for the stockholders, contemplating millions of regular users of SinoFresh, they will be positively basking in contentment.
