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12/15/09 10:23 AM

#21688 RE: CHA-RU #21687

What makes you think they do not have a CC project? Because too much time has passed for your liking? LOL.

the cork

12/15/09 10:37 AM

#21694 RE: CHA-RU #21687

See post #21122 linked below, that should answer most of your queries boogergtabill. The rest is off topic, and will not be discussed.


12/15/09 10:41 AM

#21697 RE: CHA-RU #21687

All you have to do is READ, and you'll discover we are a socially responsible gold producing company, with a unique addtion of carbon credit projects in the works:

Field Report; December 3, 2009
Doug Evans is currently in Sierra Leone and will be there until December 15, 2009. Doug Evans reports that during his time there he will be traveling to our mining operations in Zimmi and Bo along with our farming operations in Mara Mala and Porte Locko. Negotiations are scheduled with Paramount Chiefs to secure 100,000 additional acres for our Carbon credit program. Doug can be reached in Sierra Leone his phone number in Sierra Leone is listed on our web page or you can contact John Semachko Jr. with questions.

SGCP has recently updated our web page listing upcoming projects for 2009-2010 and updated information on our properties. We have received inquiries on carbon credit project SL1 and are in early stages of discussions. Upon Doug Evans return SGCP will update shareholders on mining operations in Sierra Leone.

Field Report; 23rd Nov 2009
Starting the ramp up of mining operations in January with the aim of having 2-3 river operations and 3 land operations all going by end of February
Encouraged by the price of gold looks to be creating a new base at $1100
Harvesting of this years crops underway
Carbon credit project SL1 has been approved by the UNFCCC CDM Bazaar. The UNFCCC CDM Bazaar is a web based facility which serves as a platform for the exchange of information on CDM project opportunities (for more information on CDM Bazaar visit there web site at SGCP is in the process of forward selling the project as stated in our field report dated November 4, 2009
SGCP is starting the new Carbon credit project SL2
Regarding project SL1 from SGCP viewpoint, it is now part of the ongoing process when something material changes i.e. a sale with funding completed SGCP will announce it. At this point from our position nothing has changed from previous information provided.

We are still working on updating our web page and hope to have it completed by the end of the week if possible.

Be well, John Semachko Jr.

Field Report: November 9, 2009
SGCP will be updating the project, property and other pages on the website over the next couple weeks. You will find that we have added an updated letter from the C.E.O. as our first step.
We will be updating the field report on all projects as information becomes available

Field Report: November 4, 2009
Carbon Credit Program has been submitted to the World Bank
Process of forward selling Carbon Credit Project has begun
SGCP income from forward selling Carbon Credit Project estimated to be in eight figure range
SGCP has acquired 36 patented gold and diamond claims throughout a 27 mile area between the Mano and Mayo Rivers. Licensing is expected to be completed in December operations to begin in January.
Due to current conditions in Sierra Leone from the rainy season full mining operations will be in place January 1st

Field Report; Oct 14 2009
Doug Evans is presently in Sierra Leone setting up operations for the up coming mining season. SGCP is in the process of sending an 8 inch dredge to Sierra Leone we hope to be able to ship the dredge in the next 3 to 4 weeks out of Baltimore Maryland. With the dredge comes a professional dredge operator with over 20 years of experience plus experience in swift water dredging.

The Carbon credit project is moving forward as expected complete survey of 42,500 acres of land is expected to be completed by 10/19/ 2009. Baseline scenario is near completion and project design documents are underway. We hope to have information on the value of the project soon as all pieces are falling in place.

September 24 2009 Field report
Sierra Gold Corp. has signed an agreement with Green Giant Venture fund to be the Project Developer for Sierra Gold Corp carbon credit projects. By using the present land holdings we have, the project developer will calculate the amount of carbon credits that Sierra Gold Corp. will have to trade in the carbon credit market. The amount of carbon credits will not be known until all methodologies are completed. This process has started as all funding is in place to begin.

Carbon credit activities through global exchanges exceeded $115 billion dollars in 2008 and are projected to increase. Carbon credits are purchased by companies, governments the World Bank and traded in the futures market. Recently the World Bank purchased 450,000 carbon credits from the Congo.

Field report Aug, 1 2009
John Semachko Jr. has submitted his resignation as president of SGCP to spend more time developing his consulting business Holistic Solution Group. SGCP is pleased to announce that Holistic Solution Group will be retained to work on investment opportunities and public relations in a consulting capacity. Due to his knowledge and experience with the company we felt it was important to keep him as part of our team
SGCP has appointed Andy McGuire special advisor for all dredging and exploration operations Mr. McGuire has over 30 years of world wide experience in the mining sector
SGCP will have 4 dredges operational by end of the year and in place for upcoming mining season
Gold extraction numbers for July where 1.1 Kg
52 diamond pieces where extracted in July. Sizes of the diamonds were up to 2 ct.
Farming - As part of the ongoing farming activities of casava, peanuts, local rice and sorghum, this season a trial crop of 100 acres of Norika rice has been planted - Norika rice variety has been specifically developed for Africa and African growing conditions and while it is more expensive than local varieties now being used cropping is considered to be significantly more productive. Should this trial prove successful the company will switch to this variety in future years. In addition, a trial of garden type vegetable crops is underway to determine future viability of this type of agriculture with a view to eventual exporting.

Field report; July 7th
Gold extraction numbers for June where 40 troy ounces. Production was down due to the June planting season which reduced our work force as locals had to plant there crops before the heavy rain
Over 30 cts of fancy diamonds where extracted in a variety of sizes and colors
Gold ore that has been piled up will be processed now that the rainy season is in full swing
A 8 inch king dredge has been acquired for use in the upcoming mining season
Negotiations continue on financing and equipment joint venture partners

Field report June 2 2009
Gold production correction from May 21st field report December 2008 to April 30th 2009 total production 290 Troy ounces
May production 75 Troy ounces
Gold ore continues to be stockpiled for processing during rainy season.
Sierra Gold has been offered large potential area in southern region with strong indicators for gold and diamonds
John Semachko Jr.
Sierra Gold Corp.

Field report May 21st
Gold extraction overall update
December 1st 2007 to Dec 1st 2008 gold extraction est. 153 troy ounces
December 1st 2008 to April 30th 2009 gold extraction est. 190 troy ounces
Gold ore continues to be stockpiled for processing during rainy season which starts historically in month of July
The Sierra Leone professional diamond community was very impressed with recent test results from specific areas and were very positive in their advice on potential operations
John Semachko Jr.
Sierra Gold Corp.

Field report may 14th
Sierra Gold Corporation has filed paper work for upgrade on pink sheets this includes year end financials, O/S and A/S.
April gold extraction totaled 67 troy ounces.
Diamonds both clear and colored recovered from all active areas. Most of the diamonds fall in the .5 to 1 ct. weight range.
3 exploration areas under testing have produced consistent diamond showings and will be tested for gold in the coming weeks.
Sierra Gold Corp is in process of updating web page estimated completion time end of May.
John Semachko Jr.
Sierra Gold Corp.

Field report: March 18th 2009
Extraction numbers from Bo and Zimmi concession 70 Troy ounces
Negotiations for additional equipment ongoing and moving forward with investment bank to move company up from junior mining company
Farm expansion underway
Diamonds are being extracted largest 3 ct
John Semachko will be out of office till April 2 for reconstructive surgery on shoulder.
While we had equipment trouble and are not content with present extraction numbers, there was a 40% increase from January numbers

Field report: Feb 17 2009
Bo: Extraction and processing under way – good gravel showing – results pending
Zimmi: Site one – river and shore testing commenced – good gravel showings and diamonds recovered
Zimmi: Site two – 40 tons of gravel extracted – initial processing recovered 17 diamonds including colored pieces – extraction and processing continuing + testing for gold content
Target date for submittal of documentation to S.E.C. originally targeted for Feb.15th has been moved to March
Sulima: opening bush road – testing sites selected – results as each site completed
Farming operations
Rice harvested and the current planting season is underway
Sorghum harvested and the current planting season is underway
Peanuts in harvesting process
Well digging projects defined and will proceed in Feb 09 to enhance production capability
Casava crop proceeding as expected

Field report: Jan 26, 2009
Doug Left for Sierra Leone on Thursday to check on mining operations and will be in Sierra Leone for 6 weeks. We start 2009 with great anticipation now that we are in the mining stages. Test reports from Zimmi are very encouraging and the processing of gravel with one of our 10 ton processors is on going, operations on the Sewa are in full gear as well with dredge and our 2nd 10 ton processor on location. Artisan mining in the Tonkalilli district on the Pampana River is in operation.

I will be talking to Doug by mid week for updates and will keep our shareholders up to date as information arrives. Mining in Sierra Leone offers many challenges and we have and will continue to address these challenges. With the price of gold rising and mining operations in place we look forward to a successful and profitable 2009.

Field report Jan 9th
Per the Jan. 5th press release the mining season is underway in Sierra Leone

Both clear and colored fancy diamonds have been found size ranging from .35 to 1.35 carats which we believe is strong indicators of larger diamonds in the area. Rough diamonds of this size offer little value due to loss of 50% or more of weight in cutting and serve best as an indicator.
Exploration project on 7 mile ocean concession between the Mano and Mao River will begin end of Jan.
Discussion continues with JV partners to supply additional mining equipment for current mining season
Target date of Feb 15th for submittal of documentation to S.E.C.
Dredge and processor on location and in operation in Bo
Location, set up and testing operations are commencing in Zimmi, processor on location
Artisan mining operations in Tonkalilli are underway
In order to secure and expand our long term presence in the mining sector, Sierra Gold Corp. outstanding shares have increased to 372 million. Proceeds were used for property acquisitions and operating expenses. We feel this will position Sierra Gold Corp for success now and in the future by continually securing long term agreements on desirable mining concessions.

Report: December 19, 2008
Over the last several days’s members of SGCP’s executive team met in Toronto to take stock, discuss forward movement, and lay the groundwork for 2009 operations. Among the key issues addressed - Sierra Gold’s current pink sheet status. Plans have been drafted that will provide substantial disclosure to the marketplace and increase current transparency, with the intent of making SGCP increasingly attractive to future investors and profitable for current shareholders. Additionally, the end of the rainy season has marked the beginning to the highly anticipated mining operations. Extraction numbers for the month of December will be released the week of January 5, 2009 and additional progress will be detailed as it becomes available.

We at Sierra Gold Corporation wish you a joyous season, a bright New Year, and thank you for your continued support.

John Semachko Jr.

Field report: December 4 2008
Operation team in Sierra Leone:
I would like to introduce our talented associates that handle day to day operations in Sierra Leone. Their talent, dedication and work ethic are second to none and I feel privileged to have them on our team:

Deputy Director of Operations; Paulus Bairoh
Director acquisitions and Mergers: Mohamed Kortu
Manager Joint venture operations: Adama Fofanah
Manager Plantation Operations: Samuel Kargbo

With the weather starting to cooperate, mining operations in Sewa will begin the week of Dec 8th, this includes dredging and processing operations and the extraction of gold. Preparation operations continue in Zimmi, basic clearing of a 25 ft wide path has been completed and the removal of large trees is in process which brings us close to the last phase of building a safe basic entry road for the deployment of equipment . Divers in the Mano River are testing gravel to identify the best locations for mining operations and these will commence as soon as possible. Joint venture artisan mining operations are in the early stages do to the late rainy season. Harvesting of the 500 acre rice crop has just been completed and preparation for expansion is underway.

Field update 18 November 2008
Mining operations move forward

Zimmi: Lease signed for balance of Mano river concession and licensing completed. Preparation continues for deployment of equipment as divers run test on gravel to determine best locations. Zimmi location known for the worlds most beautiful Vivid Yellow diamonds
Sewa: Washing operation for gold extraction have begun
Joint Ventures: Mining operations have started at all locations
Agriculture update
Harvest of rice crop near completion
Expansion of operations in Mara Malal in progress
Trip to Sierra Leone from Oct 25 through Nov 6 - John Semachko Jr.
I have just returned from my trip to Sierra Leone and would like to update our share holders on what I saw over the 12 days I was there. Unfortunately the rainy season seemed to end the last 2 days I was there and the rivers where still high with strong currents making the mining process very difficult. We have kept the processors at our Bo complex until it is safe to transport them to location. The roads in Sierra Leone are still in poor condition with many being no more the red clay or broken pavement which makes travel difficult and many times during my travel I witnessed vehicles stuck or flipped over due to the amount of rain and instability of the roads. Many things we take for granted around the world are still in the works in Sierra Leone besides Freetown all other cities have limited hours for electricity and limited internet service which makes communication very difficult.

Sierra Leone is in the process of rebuilding their country but the damage done by the war is still very visible many buildings in the outlying area are shells where bullet holes are still visible. This being said one cannot but be impressed by the courage and kindness of the people of Sierra Leone and at no time during the trip did I not feel safe and I have no doubts that the country will succeed in the rebuilding process.

During my time in Sierra Leone I visited many of our properties to evaluate progress and options for the upcoming mining season. Visits where made to Sewa, Pampana, Zimmi, Kono and others. Visits where also made to our plantation in Mara Malal where we look to expand on our 500 acres of rice, 100 acres of sorghum, 50 acres of cassava, 12 acres of peanuts and our animal husbandry program in 2009. Our small but expanding farm in Port Locko continues to grow and show great promise. We feel there is great income potential in agriculture for our share holders and will continue expanding over the next few years.

From the beginning Sierra Gold Corp mining concept was built on the purchase of high tech easily transportable equipment. This flexibility I feel has always been strength for the company and final plans are being made for allocation of equipment as soon as road conditions allow. The highlight of my trip was the signing of a 20 year lease for the mining rights for a 12 mile concession on the Mano River. We have already seen very small colored and clear diamonds and the texture of the gold seen in very coarse which is considered an indicator of being close to the source. We also expect to complete the deal in Zimmi for the balance of the Mano River this would extend our concession and take us to the Atlantic Ocean with a large white beach area.

Next week will be part 2 I will introduce to our share holders our organization on the ground in Sierra Leone and will have some updates from the field.

Be well, John