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12/15/09 10:31 AM

#29701 RE: asus #29699

I was a poor farmer's son. We worked from 5:00 in the morning to 9:00 at night. Times were very difficult. We traded what we produced and even paid our doctor bills with steaks and hams we produced on the farm. Doctors then were not rich. No job was too low for us. I picked potatoes along with the Mexicans and Blacks. We all looked out for each other. On Sunday I had a poor Mexican family over for dinner and played softball with my grand daughter and the Mexican kids. I remember where I came from. I found a project for the older kids to work on so they could earn some money. But first I had to have some money. Saving money and investing is hard and risky work. I have lost everything three times. But still I managed to retire with money to invest. Now we have lefties that just want to take my money and give it to people that do not work. I do not have any sympathy for most rich people because they cheat the system and do not pay their fair share in taxes. Most of the crooks in Washington cheated their way to riches. Both parties are dogs. There is no reason why being in congress should not be just a job where you work by the hour and live on a hundred thousand a year. But you never seen a person in Washington who is poor. They use the poor to enrich themselves. The Chicago Mafia that is now in charge is the worst I have ever seen in Washington. We need to forget about party and vote for people that have not sold out. Right now you must have at least 100 million to run for office. Many people on this board would be better than what we have in Washington now. The problem is that they would have to sell out to get elected. I could never get elected even though I have more credentials than most in Washington. They are mostly lawyers that have never had a real job. People like Obama could never make it in the business world. I started three businesses and failed every time. My wife is smarter than I am and works like a mule. She has a successful business. She has only one employee and will not hire more or even try to expand with lefties in control. Lefties do not work. They lie, cheat and steal from the people that sometimes work themselves to death. They lie to the masses to get elected and then they steal to make themselves rich.