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Shawn Carter

12/14/09 7:34 PM

#41813 RE: RetireEarly38 #41803

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12/14/09 7:35 PM

#41815 RE: RetireEarly38 #41803


... this stock...
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12/14/09 8:07 PM

#41840 RE: RetireEarly38 #41803

great post!
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12/14/09 8:27 PM

#41851 RE: RetireEarly38 #41803

Retire Early,

In my opinion, the reason investors sold today was due to the very poor PR put out. There was no wiggle room in the PR of 12/4. Names and specifics about the Montana partnerships were promised - and today, the CEO and IR guy for HESG flat out let us down. It's great that they are David fighting Goliath(Scottrade/TDA). I give them props for that. But Tom Gaffney needs to understand that investor faith has been shaken because HESG didn't follow through with it's promises.

I emailed both of them today and suggested that they need to do a little damage control to regain the trust of their investors. I was not as lucky as some here - have had no response.

I do not hold the millions of shares that other investors do - but I'm not selling the 800,000 shares I do have. I want to see what Gaffney does next.

Ironically enough, I sold a failing stock to buy into HESG - and now the original stock - ALL green today. Figures, huh?
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12/14/09 8:42 PM

#41856 RE: RetireEarly38 #41803

RetireEarly....What PR? Are you referring to that prez letter
type update this morning? Heckfire, that would have dropped
the SP no matter what time of year it was. It was laden with
bad news, so what should one expect. It is telling you that
they will do what they promised in Jan. 09 more or less, no
RS, just more dilution, two biggest internet brokerage houses
is giving their subtle warnings against HESG, no news of any
consequence at all and you expected the SP to go up if it
weren't near tax loss time?


PS Guinness is good for you
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12/15/09 2:00 AM

#41984 RE: RetireEarly38 #41803

Get real you have up until three days before the end of the yr to sell for a tax loss. I believe you need the 3 days to make sure the trade is cleaned.
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12/15/09 6:42 AM

#41993 RE: RetireEarly38 #41803

'RetireEarly38'? Although that's not always be the case, I don’t doubt that BEING the case here!

Late in my response to your post but, this is what I've been saying all year along while being bashed by certain bashers for why I took positions in certain stocks.

I too was buying up pinks early in the year, gambling on any one of those stocks to up-tick enough to flip for the cash needed to payoff any capital gains tax likely owed the IRS by next tax season.

SOME DID! and cleared quite a bundle in the process.

Others tanked even further, but I always know I'll get much of it back on next tax season.

But, the IRS will be getting its butt kicked for all the capital losses it'll be paying out next tax season and scam companies are adding insult to injury for the scams they pulled and caused even more (but unnecessary) losses the IRS will be taking the heat for and the very reason why the 'SEC' is getting their butts kicked for farting around on their jobs allowing scams to slip by them into the market to rip-off honest investors.

(All while the Obama administration cuts programs for so-called “cutting unnecessary spending”, but does nothing about scam companies of which one their OWN government entities (the SEC), allows to come online and causes it through the investors they’ve defrauded and therefore causing “unnecessary capital loss” claims with the IRS every year. LOL! taking from the right pocket to put in the left. LOL! Now THAT’S Stupid!)

Although HESG is unlikely a scam company, many might assume so, being pissed off at the declining PPS but should really be grateful to get in at these cheap prices, whereas, after the 1st trading day of 2010, all profit hell will break lose going forwards. IMO.

Damn near all companies seem to be teaming up to rollout, take off, soar you name it! after the new years.

and by next spring? (on the FLIP side, wink-wink!) hell there'll likely be as much GAINS in 2010 as there were LOSSES in 2009.

I believe 2010 will be the year of many smiley faces rolling in money up the yinyang.
I intend to be one of them!

Then 2011 will be the consolidation year, LOOK OUT!

What everyone does in 2010 with their newly found wealth decides their TRUE status 2011 and onwards. IMO.

As for myself?, I'm accumulating this stock on every down tick!

With this stock kissing .0004/.0005 I see no reason why it wont just as well kiss .0002/.0003 or even .0001/.0002.

Hell it might even kiss No BID.

Although THAT would be grossly impossible, but if it did? I swear to you, I "WILL" buy at least 100 million shares! maybe even more!

Then by spring 2010?

I "WILL" quit my job! and literally LIVE on Harvard Campus studying towards even more multiple degrees.

But hey, this is still a pink sheet! so, if nothing happens, It'll just be another tax write off the following year!

After all, whatever I buy here will be in free shares.. LOL!


Happy Tradeing.
