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12/11/09 11:24 AM

#467 RE: Solar_Express #466

There's a Situation Unfolding in the Middle East
Sorry the paste doesn't have the graphs and charts but then everyone would have had access to my e-mail.


Solterra Renewable Technologies - HGUE on the OTCBB. I would have concluded you were refering to this company. Since you weren't you need to look at it and its involvement there. Not knowing the share price, I will stake my unknown reputation on it that dollar for dollar Solterra will provide a much more significant return for your subscribers. Do your DD.

--- On Fri, 12/11/09, Green Chip Review <> wrote:

From: Green Chip Review <>
Subject: There's a Situation Unfolding in the Middle East
Date: Friday, December 11, 2009, 9:11 AM

You are receiving this as part of your free subscription to Green Chip Review

Friday, December 11th, 2009

Dear Green Chip Review Reader,

There's a situation unfolding in the Middle East right now that is truly astonishing.

The only comparison I can think of is this...

Imagine if news suddenly broke that Bill Gates had secretly invested more than $1 billion in Apple shares.

That would be a huge story, wouldn't it? The talking heads at CNBC would spend weeks talking about what it might mean for the future of Microsoft.

But more importantly, you say... what would Gates investing $1 billion in Apple tell you about the future of Apple?


And that's just what's happening in this situation. The very men who control the world's oil - and who happen to be sitting on billions of dollars worth of the stuff - are racing to invest in renewable energy.

Only - unlike Bill Gates "secretly" investing $1 billion in our hypothetical scenario...

These guys are brazen about it.

They're openly pouring in billions of dollars... and letting the world know exactly what they're doing. Why?

My colleague Jeff Siegel has the answer in a startling report I've forwarded you below.

And not only does Jeff explain in clear detail why the Middle Eastern Oil Sheiks are investing billions in renewable energy... he has also uncovered a little-known company that could make you a fortune as this scenario unfolds.

Take a moment right now to read Jeff's report below...

Good Investing,

Brian Hicks
Publisher, Green Chip Review

Their 40-year-long "drug deal" has
brought in more than $1.3 trillion.

But while it's about to come to an explosive end, this "drug cartel's" next move promises to be even bigger.

And it could —100% legally — make you a fortune.
Dear Investor,

The world's longest-running drug deal has been going on since 1970.

In the last 35 years alone, it has cost the United States more than $1.35 trillion.

This "drug" cost us $68 billion in 2004... $90.3 billion in 2005... $106.9 billion in 2006... $139.9 billion in 2007, and a whopping $192.4 billion in 2008.

Meanwhile, your own personal net worth has been negatively impacted by these ruthless "drug traffickers." In fact, their actions could be costing you $5,861 per year — or more.

Of course, the "drug" I'm referring to is oil.

And the dangerous "drug cartel" who has us completely at their mercy? Why, it's the Middle East.

But over the last several months, this ruthless — yet cunning — drug cartel has poured billions of dollars into an investment that might shock you.

On the surface, it might seem like just another example of Middle Eastern oil sheiks flaunting their wealth.

But this time, they're not building the world's tallest skyscraper... buying champion race horses... or building indoor ski slopes.

Not even close.

This time, the powers who control a large chunk of the world's oil supply are building something far more serious.

You see... I've investigated this from every possible angle. And there are three things I need to tell you right away...

The "drug cartel" that has fed our 40-year addiction to foreign oil has realized that their highly lucrative energy monopoly is about to come to an explosive — and potentially dangerous — end.

Because of this, they're now investing billions of dollars worth of oil profits into building the next energy monopoly — only this time in the form of renewable energy. They've already launched this venture in a big way by pouring $22 billion into what will become the world's first-ever carbon-neutral city!

Most importantly... there's a simple investment you can make — right now — that will allow you to turn the tables and cash in on the collapse of this decades-long extortion before the Middle East creates its next energy monopoly.
The fact of the matter is: a staggering amount of money is about to be made.

This One Simple "Revenge Trade" Could Dwarf
Even Our Recent 309% Winner
My colleagues and I, as part of our regular research, have recently uncovered the astonishing facts behind the imminent collapse of the world's longest-running drug deal — and the astonishing race for a leadership stake in renewable energy by the Middle East.

I'll spell it all out for you in just a moment.

Even more importantly — we've also discovered a company perfectly positioned to take full advantage of a blockbuster $22 billion investment that almost no one in the mainstream press has noticed.

"The world's energy system is at a crossroads. Current global trends in energy supply and consumption are patently unsustainable... What is needed is nothing short of an energy revolution." — International Energy Association World Energy Outlook, November 2008Listen, it's my job to cover the market this company's involved in better than anyone else in the business. It's what my staff and I do every single day.

We evaluate corporations, transactions, and legislation on a daily basis — and we've been doing it longer than anyone else.

But I have to confess...

Even I was blown away by the numbers that support this unique investment opportunity. I'm talking about more than $22 billion worth of backing to date — with even more committed over the next several years.

Listen — like I said — we've been at this for a while now...and we've enjoyed (if I do say so) remarkable success. Double- and even triple-digit returns aren't anything new in our office.

Within the last few months alone, we've closed out winners of 56.59% ... 42.68%... 40.73%... 31.61%... 32.08%... and even 309.77%.

And — while I can't give away the name of the stock — take a look at the performance of just one of the open positions in our portfolio right now...

You're reading that chart correctly — we've made six times our money on this single trade so far. And it's not finished yet.

But as impressive as all of those trades have been... they didn't have $22 billion worth of backing like the one I've recently discovered.

"IEA report on oil gets angry Opec reaction..."
— The Times (UK), Nov. 13, 2008
This single investment — one that takes advantage of the imminent collapse of the world's longest-running drug deal — has the potential to dwarf our other gains. And, yes, that includes the 309% winner I just mentioned... and the 542% winner we're still holding!

I'll cut right to the chase.

You have a chance, starting as soon as today, to do something with just one call to your broker — or one click of your mouse — that could help you make years' worth of profits from a single trade.

I've spelled out every detail behind the bold trade that will help you turn the tables on this decades-old, $1.3 trillion drug deal. It's all included in a detailed yet easy-to-read research report I've just released.

Best of all... want to give you this report — FREE of charge — today. You can grab it now by clicking the link at the end of this letter. Or read on to learn more about exactly what's behind...

Welcome to Masdar: The "Clean City" Being Built by
Middle Eastern "Drug" Kingpins — with an Assist from MIT
As strange as it may sound... the Middle East's biggest oil powerhouses are right now pumping nearly all of their fat oil profits like mad in renewable energy.

That's right: The countries that control the world's largest oil reserves are investing billions of dollars in renewable energy.

* In July, a company owned by the government of Abu Dhabi bought an ownership stake in Tesla, a U.S.-based manufacturer of electric cars.

* This summer, Saudi Arabia's oil minister, Ali Ibrahim Al Naimi, announced that his country is planning to make solar energy an important pillar of the national energy mix... and in September, he introduced Saudi Arabia's new research hub designed to "leverage the diversified and rich natural resources of this country to find sustainable and innovative solutions."

* The United Arab Emirates — the world's third-largest oil exporter — lobbied hard to become home to the 150-nation International Renewable Energy Agency and won the bid this past June.

But here's the blockbuster...

Portrait of an Addiction

It's no secret — the United States is hopelessly addicted to oil...just like a junkie in constant need of a heroin fix.

And while our leaders have talked about ending our addiction once and for all, the truth is there is no rehab facility on the planet that can cure us of our need for foreign sources of energy.

Take a look at just how bad this addiction has grown over the years:

The Numbers Behind Our Addiction
Americans consume 400 million gallons of gasoline each day...
In 2008 alone, the U.S. spent $475 billion on foreign oil
13 million barrels of oil are imported every 24 hours...
In fact, in the five minutes it takes you to read this letter, we've imported another 45,139 barrels of oil...
In spite of this tremendous consumption... it's been 32 years since the last new oil refinery was built in the United States
I don't have to tell you just how dangerous this addiction has grown.
It has not only cost us over one trillion dollars... it's also cost us our national security.

Like it or not, we're completely powerless. And I'm not the only one who feels this way...

"We are at the mercy of the suppliers of oil. We are spending hundreds of billions of dollars a year importing oil and, so, we are heading toward a train wreck." — U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven ChuIn addition to the investment in Tesla, Abu Dhabi has also invested $22 billion to build the world's first entirely renewably powered city: Masdar.

Masdar City will host 50,000 people by 2016 who will live and work without cars or fossil fuels.

And Abu Dhabi's leaders aren't kidding around — not only have they set forth on an aggressive timeline and earmarked $22 billion for investment... they've even enlisted the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a partner in this project.

The goal for the project is clear: they're building a city that uses water and fuel with the smallest footprint possible.

There will be NO automobile traffic in Masdar; only public transportation will be permitted... and the city's perimeter wall will help keep out extreme desert winds and high temperatures, allowing for cool temperatures to prevail throughout the city.


The world's first carbon-neutral city is going to sprout up in the middle of the desert? Literally right on top of billions of dollars worth of oil?

You have to ask yourself : Why would a major oil producer — one that controls 8% of the world's oil reserves — spend billions of dollars to launch such an aggressive renewable energy initiative?

The answer is simple...

The very people who, because of their outstanding luck with geography, are literally sitting on billions of dollars worth of oil are now racing to invest in clean technologies with very good reason...

They can clearly see that the supply of the precious "drug" they control is running dangerously low. So by getting a jump on renewables, they'll be sure to sell every last drop — at exorbitant prices — to addicts like the United States.

Make no mistake: The people who have controlled the oil in the Middle East for the past four decades have made an obscene amount of money.

They've had a direct pipeline into the U.S. Government's bank account — and they'd like to keep it that way.

These people are far from stupid.

They see the end of the line for the "drug deal" they've been running — and they want to be in position so that when it ends...

The United States will still be dependent on them for the majority of its energy needs.

It's like a drug dealer whose supply line for one drug has been cut. If he can't supply his junkies with heroin... the dealer will find another way for the junkie to get high.

After all, you wouldn't want to lose a customer. Especially when that customer has been worth over $1.3 trillion.

The Global Energy Landscape is
on the Verge of a Historic Change
Many — including some of the world's wealthiest individuals and nations — could get wiped out as events unfold in the months ahead.

Still others will make unfathomable fortunes.

Let me tell you what it's all about... and show you how to cash in with one blockbuster investment that could change your life.

M. King Hubbert was dead-on in his prediction (all the way back in 1956), that U.S. oil production would peak between 1965 and 1971.

And he is also being proven correct in his forecast for a sharp decline in global oil production:

It was only last November when the International Agency (IEA) released a report that including staggering depletion figures for the world's top 800 oil fields.

"The world's energy system is at a crossroads. Current global trends in energy supply and consumption are patently unsustainable… What is needed is nothing short of an energy revolution."
— International Energy Association World Energy Outlook, November 2008
The IEA concluded that in order to make up for this depletion — and keep up with increasing demand forecasts — the world will need to add a whopping 64 million barrels per day (mbpd) of new capacity between 2007 and 2030.

That's the equivalent of adding six new Saudi Arabias or adding a new Kuwait — every single year.

It's just not going to happen.

The world's longest-running "drug deal" is coming to an end — and it's all because the suppliers are running out of the drug.

Sure... they might try and argue with the figures publicly. And the OPEC nations have waged a fierce public relations battle to try and convince the world that there's nothing to the idea of Peak Oil.

"IEA report on oil gets angry Opec reaction" — The Times (UK), Nov. 13, 2008
But you and I both know that actions speak louder than words.

So no matter what the boys at OPEC might be saying... it's what they're doing that's important.

And what they're doing at this very minute is racing to build Masdar City on time — and take the lead in the renewable energy market — all the while squeezing every last dime of profits out of the oil they're still sitting on.

They've Taken Advantage of You for Nearly 40 Years
Now It's Time to Get Even... and Get Paid!
Meet the Green Chip International Team
Jeff Siegel (Publisher): As managing editor and investment director of Green Chip Stocks, Jeff Siegel is well-established as one of the few true insiders in the "Green" marketplace. From renewable energy to organic and natural food markets, Jeff is well-connected throughout the world. From the U.S. and Mexico to the U.K. and Vietnam, Jeff has built a network of investors, policy-makers and researchers that consistently provide a wealth of information for Green Chip International members.

Nick Hodge (Managing Editor): As co-editor of Green Chip Stocks and Alternative Energy Speculator, Nick Hodge possesses intricate knowledge of nearly every facet of the renewables industry, including specific expertise in solar and wind markets, carbon markets, and water and electric infrastructure. A real "Road Dog," Nick can often be found on the renewable energy conference circuit or taking meetings with dozens of renewable energy companies across the globe. What he learns always translates into top-notch research and profits for his thousands of readers.

Sam Hopkins (Co-Editor and Chief Research Analyst): International investment guru Sam Hopkins combines vast knowledge of the alternative energy sector with deep insights into the geopolitical context of the international green market. Sam literally scours the world tracking down the next big energy play, including meeting with biofuel pioneers in Colombia and reporting on algal fuel start-ups in Israel. His most recent trip to Brazil gave his subscribers exclusive insights into the latest developments in wind energy. Holding dual degrees in Linguistics and International Studies, Sam's initial conversations with everyone from villagers to high-level investors evolved into what Green Chip International is today.
I've discovered a company. One you've almost certainly never heard of. This company is poised to capitalize in a huge way on the rush of green building taking place in the Middle East.

The profit potential is nearly impossible for me to describe — for one very good reason...

The world's largest oil producers have never before invested billions of dollars in new renewable energy projects.

The amount of green building that's taking place as part of the Masdar project alone is off the charts.

So for a supplier to step into that territory — a supplier that carries a distinct competitive advantage in its field — is a huge development. There's enough potential work from the Masdar project alone to completely alter the fortunes of a small company... and there are many more projects — each worth billions — on the way in the Middle East.

I mentioned earlier that just in the last few months, my colleagues and I have closed out winners of 56.59%... 42.68%... 40.73%... 31.61%... 32.08%... and even 309.77%.

And our current "open positions" list includes several more double-digit winners... and a blockbuster 542% moonshot that isn't done yet.

But remember, none of those winners had the kind of historic wind at their sails that my latest recommendation enjoys.

* It's a company that has emerged as a major player in the green building trend because of its unique brand of solar-powered glass products.

* According to one independent research firm, this company enjoys "an important competitive advantage" and is "well placed to develop products for emerging market segments in BIPV (Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Products)."

* The company plodded along for awhile as an interesting (but somewhat forgettable) provider of bulletproof glass to governments. It later transformed itself into the largest manufacturer of solar glass in its country. But after realizing its home country had little appetite for its product, it soon began exporting over 70% of its production... and in the process gaining valuable experience as a serious exporter.

Now here's where things get interesting...

Just last year, this company cut a deal with the first-ever eco-friendly distributor in the United Arab Emirates.

This agreement instantly transformed the company into a major player in the Middle East — and it will allow the company an opportunity to experience rapid-fire growth. (In fact, the company doubled the number of production lines and bought additional land for expansion last year in response to its growth.)

Simply put...

You can't construct a "green city" such as Masdar without an awful lot of solar glass.

The company I've examined has not only positioned itself to become a major supplier of solar-powered glass to the Middle East... it also brings with it a major competitive advantage that increases the profit potential exponentially.

Now it's time for you to not only learn the name of the company — but also all of the details I couldn't include in this letter.

It took me weeks to check out every detail... but now I'm ready to turn over the fruit of this work to you. I've included everything you need to know in the report I'd like to give you today: How to Flip the World's Longest-Running Drug Deal for Triple-Digit Profits.

After having done all the homework on this company, I have to admit — I was stunned that it hadn't already been discovered.

But then again, since no one knows the global renewables market like we do — maybe it's not so shocking. In just a moment, I'll tell you how you can claim your FREE copy of this report so you'll instantly know as much as my colleagues and I do...

The Unquestioned Global Authority
on Renewable Energy Profits
My name is Jeff Siegel and I'm the co-founder and publisher of Green Chip International.

GCI is the world's first — and only — independent international cleantech research service.

Along with my colleagues — renewable energy expert Nick Hodge and international Cleantech guru Sam Hopkins — we've built up quite a track record scoring major gains in the global cleantech market.

And the report we want to give you today, How to Flip the World's Longest-Running Drug Deal for Triple-Digit Profits, will enable you to take full advantage of what figures to be a fortune-making trend in the Middle East.

But I must confess...

Taking advantage of global renewable energy trends — to make double- and triple-digit profits — is nothing new for Green Chip International readers.

In the last few months, we've continued our pattern of consistently finding "green" winners all over the globe. Take a look for yourself...

And here's the best part about it...

All of the stocks that we've been playing — both domestic and international — are just as easy to buy as Google or GE.

They're available on U.S. exchanges in dollars... but with far more profit potential than even the biggest domestic stocks can claim.

"Jeff, Yes, Thanks! Loaded up my boat, well at least for my size portfolio, 5000@ avg of $1. So $5K is now $20K." — PeterSo when we talk about "global" profits, let's be clear: There's no extra work involved for you at all.

Of course, my colleagues and I spend an extraordinary amount of time traveling the globe... getting to know all markets — both foreign and domestic — intimately.

But that's fine with us. We love that part of the job.

So while most analysts these days never even leave the comfort of their cushy leather chairs in climate-controlled office suites, we're circling the globe...

Talking to street merchants in far-flung places like Estonia, Colombia, and Jordan to see what light bulbs they're using, what kind of cars they're buying, and what kind of fuel their cars run on...

Having beers with Chinese wind farm developers and visiting wind turbine manufacturing facilities in Denmark...

Translating biofuel deals between Mexican farmers and Israeli traders at South American energy conferences...
Our team is even fluent in 8 foreign languages, allowing us to get to places where English-only researchers can't find the nearest bathroom, let alone a little-known stock opportunity.

And it's precisely that type of face-to-face research — and roll-up-the-sleeves hard work — that helped us uncover the small solar company that's set to skyrocket... all thanks to the imminent collapse of the world's longest-running drug deal.

How to Get Started Right Away...
And Claim Your Own Middle Eastern Renewable Payout
Here's what you need to do to join us in this next winning trade.

Claim your copy of this report — FREE of charge — simply by accepting this invitation to test out Green Chip International.

"This new investment aims to maintain the gulf’s dominant position as a global energy supplier." — New York Times, Jan. 13, 2009As soon as you do, you'll instantly receive access to this exclusive report, How to Flip the World's Longest-Running Drug Deal for Triple-Digit Profits.

You'll also immediately receive a username and password for the Green Chip International website, where you can view past research reports and keep track of every stock in the Green Chip International portfolio.

In addition, every week you'll receive detailed updates on all of the companies in our Green Chip International portfolio. You'll learn how they're doing, the latest in their research, and any breakthroughs or developments that come in the sector.

Plus, the second we decide to add or sell a company, we'll contact you instantly.

You'll know at what price to get in, how much you should expect to make, and most importantly, when to sell.

Now you're probably wondering... how much does a service like GCI cost?

After all... we're dealing with much more than your ordinary, U.S.-based "buy-and-hold" advisory service here.

I'll admit, the price for services like Green Chip International can be high.

While I know of no other service dedicated exclusively to the global renewable energy market as GCI is, I can tell you... some of these trading services can get downright expensive.

"I signed on to your service only 2 months ago and have already got a gain that pays your fee for years."
— VernerI could list dozens of services for you — covering all different market sectors — that sell for $1,000 a year. Some publishers are even bold enough to charge as much as $5,000 or more for a trading service.

And even though Green Chip International has a proven track record of success... and even though GCI is the only service of its kind available today... my publisher and I have managed to keep our price well below the $1,000-a-year level.

In fact, our list price of $499 per year is an absolute steal when you think about the double- and triple-digit profits you're likely to bring home in your very first month.

And right now — for a limited time — we're not even charging the full $499 per year.

Instead, we've slashed that price by 50%, to just $249 per year — exclusively for loyal readers of our e-Letter.

And if you want to save even more, you can always use our economical 2-year billing option. Pay just $399 for two years of top notch international stock research.

Plus, if you order now, we'll send you a copy of my new book, Investing in Renewable Energy (Wiley Publishing), absolutely FREE.

I co-authored this book with Nick Hodge and energy expert Chris Nelder (co-author of the best-selling book, Profit From the Peak). It's been acclaimed as a "renewable energy lifestyle and investment roadmap for the next century." describes it as full of "worthy information... worth having on your shelf."

But most importantly, we want to make sure you turn the tables on the world's longest-running drug deal... and cash in on our other global renewable energy fortune-making recommendations.

That's why today I'm prepared to offer...

An Astonishing Guarantee — 6 Double-Digit Gains During Your First Year
"What better investment can Abu Dhabi have than putting revenues from the oil sector into a future-energy sector?" — Sultan Al Jaber, CEO of Abu Dhabi Future Energy, Nov. 2008My colleagues and I are so unshakably confident that you'll get phenomenal returns as a Green Chip International subscriber that we're guaranteeing at least six double baggers within your first 12 months... or we'll completely waive your entire second year's subscription fee.

If after one year of trading along with our Green Chip International recommendations, you haven't averaged at least one double-digit winner every two months, just give us a call... and we'll give you a second year at no cost.

I'll tell you — I know of no other advisory service offering a guarantee as bold as this one.

But I don't even give it a second thought.

You see, the overall return of our current portfolio stands at a hefty 44%.

Most of our recommendations have returned between 30% and 50% in 2009, and triple digits aren't uncommon.

And our current gains leader is up more than 542% since December of 2008... and it's still climbing!

It's Time to Get Started...
Your First Double-Digit Winner is Waiting
For nearly 40 years, we've been caught up in the world's longest-running drug deal.

"I have just recently become a subscriber and I love the way you keep me so well informed. I get the sense you want me to prosper and you love what you do. I believe most of your recommendations offer great hope for our future. Thanks so much for all your information. Best money I have ever spent." - MarleneThe Middle East has bled us for more than $1.3 trillion — and there's a chance you've been personally impacted by as much as $5,861 per year.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being taken advantage of.

So rather than let the Middle Eastern oil producing nations get out ahead of us again in the renewable energy market...

I'm ready to "flip" this 40-year-old drug deal — and start bringing home staggering profits as a direct result of the Middle East's enormous investment in renewable energy.

The stock I reveal in my new report, How to Flip the World's Longest-Running Drug Deal for Triple-Digit Profits, is just the first in what will be a long line of renewable energy blockbuster trades coming courtesy of our friends in Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and the rest of the Middle East.

So join me today as a Green Chip International subscriber. When you do, here's what you'll get:

The full Green Chip International portfolio
Our latest report: How to Flip the World's Longest-Running Drug Deal for Triple-Digit Profits
Weekly updates and recommendations
Immediate access to 3 additional bonus reports: The Global Green Energy Gold Rush, Red Hot Profits from Green China, and Going Green: A Global Perspective
A FREE copy of my new book, Investing in Renewable Energy
Real-time video updates from Sam Hopkins as he travels the globe in full pursuit of the best ways to make money in the fast-paced international renewable energy markets
If, for any reason, you're not satisfied with our service, we'll refund 100% of your money within the first 30 days — no questions asked.

And, because you're already part of our family of e-letters, you can even hang on to your free copy of Investing in Renewable Energy if you cancel our service. It's yours to keep.

And remember... if you follow the investment research published every week in Green Chip International for a full year, and you don't score at least six double-digit gains, we'll give you your second year's service — absolutely free.

So if you're ready to join this elite group of international cleantech investors, let's get to work.

Just click the subscription button below.

Good investing,

Jeff Siegel
Publisher, Green Chip International

P.S. It's absolutely true: although I cover this market every day... even I was blown away by the numbers that support this blockbuster investment opportunity. I'm talking about more than $22 billion worth of backing to date — and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Claim your copy of my FREE report right now to learn all about this potential triple-digit renewable energy superstar!


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