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Zeev Hed

10/31/04 9:47 PM

#78870 RE: blue13326 #78856

We were given the argument that the war was about oil, the Russian take of Afghanistan was a strategic move to fortify their southern soft belly. No difference if oil was indeed the strategic reason for going to Iraq. If it was not, then what was the reason? After all, we Republican always warned our democratic friends over the aisle against "Nation building".
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10/31/04 11:59 PM

#78923 RE: blue13326 #78856

<you see no difference between us and the russians in that we are trying to give them a democratic government and get out of there as soon as possible?>

I am just saying that I heard "building democratic Iraq" before back in Russia. It was called "building democratic Afganistan". Soviet army in Afganistan was called "limited contigent of Soviet troops" by Russian propaganda, and of course the goal was to get out really fast.

I think there are a lot of similarities. Quick initial military success for example and formal control over entire country. After invasion Russian were building hospital, schools, roads. Didn't help to win Afgans.

The biggest difference: in Russia, support for the war on the street waas not 50% or 20%. It was zero. Everybody understood what was going on. Here it is probably close to 50%. Which makes the rape of the trust of American people by the government even more disgusting.