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10/31/04 8:03 PM

#78824 RE: Zeev Hed #78808

Hey!!! You said it in a lot less words than I did ... and with more clarity, too.


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10/31/04 8:14 PM

#78826 RE: Zeev Hed #78808

zeev, imo, the US is not going into syria or iran...and while i do think the dems will next win in '08, it won't be a 25 yr doldrum as you suggest...GOP back in 2012

...i too do not want to see the US go into syria or iran, and if they do, all bets are off

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10/31/04 9:08 PM

#78853 RE: Zeev Hed #78808

<Bush is a clear and present danger to the US and the Republican party>

Z, after reading your posts I am starting to respect Republicans (g).

A few days ago I had an argument with my classmate; she is very good mathematician. She likes xxxx, I don't.

I wasn't trying to convince her that the war in Iraq is not so much different from invasion of Afganistan by Russians etc (that would be too much to ask).

I was just making very simple argument: given the discrepancy between what we heard from administration about WMD and the facts (no WMD), there are two and only two options:
1. They were lying to us non-stop for about a year
2. We are dealing with a case of gross incompetence (the latter possibility is really scary IMO).

Since, as a mathematician, she was not able to disagree with this statement, her answer was "we have a different set of axioms".

And I think she is right. Mlsoft who supported the war and thought that chemical suits reportedly found somewhere is the evidence of WMD, still probably thinks that the war was/is good for US. In my personal opinion, US follows the path of Soviet Union of 80s. Incompetent leadership, brainwashing in the media, budget deficits, invasion of a foreign country. We talk different languages with mlsfot. There is no way we can agree.

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11/01/04 9:25 AM

#78998 RE: Zeev Hed #78808

That assumes an extremely accomodating position on the part of the Russians. One which I would think highly unlikely ESPECIALLY if Saudi Araibia went fundamentalist and the Middle East basically went up in flames.

And it probably wouldn't be enough oil either.