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10/31/04 5:08 PM

#78763 RE: geezer #78697

"If the God of the Old Testament is so perfect, why does he create evil?

Also, it appears that He can feel jealously. He was certainly jealous of other Gods.

Exodus 34
13 But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves:
14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God"[/i"


God did not create evil - that is very clear in Scripture. Satan himself was created perfect in every way, the highest of all created beings. He rebelled against God when his pride made him think he was equal to pride. When the earth and all that is in it was created, God pronounced it "very good" and there was no sin in it -- Adam and Eve were perfect and sinless until they disobeyed a direct commandment from God.

The jealously of God you refer to was righteous jealousy, not the sinful jealousy that comes from greed or envy. He did not want man to follow after false gods (idols), an act of rebellion against Him which would lead them to eternal damnation, which God wants for no one.
