The difficulty in buying is already factored in to the price, IMO...........that is why we are here at these levels. Everyone is fed up, exhausted and unsure because of the past history and the current issues with the chill.
The chill is used as a weapon for cruel and unusual punishment of the stock holders.It is a corrupt and destructive tool of the DTCC. The Dtcc is a modern day mafia run by the power elite to exploit money from you the investor and give it to a few that have a lot of it already.
What we have going for us is that an corrupt systems require a lot of energy input to maintain themselves in place. All of it has to work out right (wrong) all the time. Over time it can't maintain itself and it falls apart. ......the DTCC. Change does happen though. It just needs a little push in the right spot and the house of cards tumbles.
Likewise................why is this little crummy IPWG still alive??? should have died a long time ago, but it keeps on ticking and they just can't kill it. May be there is a reason...............may be there is some Truth to the story and it just keeps on swinging against the current. May be it has the power of ..............something true, may be??
David and Goliath story come to mind.............all IPWG needs is that stone thrown at the right time and hitting the right place.............and bingo...........a whole new reality.