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12/09/09 6:58 AM

#54033 RE: camelion #54025

yep .. just one of the reasons i asked
about KM when jd and i last talked

the issue raised by *some* in this fine venue .. ;-)

interestingly enough .. the info on karl malone
is only noted on one date .. that is from their
initial info and disclosure statement of 1/30/07

KM is noted on page 12 .. under beneficial owners
and it's not 10 percent that is *noted* in this initial
info and disclosure form .. it's 5 percent ..

B. Beneficial Owners:

Attached herein as Exhibit B is a list of shareholders as of January 30, 2007 for Expo Holdings, Inc. that discloses all shareholders that currently hold more than 5% of the common stock of the company’s issued and outstanding shares.

The only shareholders that currently own more than 5% of the common stock of the company’s issued and outstanding shares are: Glenn Harrs (President and Director), 104,036,000 shares; J.D. Brown (CEO, Chairman and Secretary), 104,040,000 shares; and Karl Malone, 125,000,000 shares. The total stock ownership of the above parties represents approximately 65% of the total issued and outstanding shares.

Karl Malone, who owns 125,000,000 shares, totaling 25% of the outstanding shares, is a silent partner and an early investor in D& D Displays, Inc.


now due to all of the disinformation posted on this *topic*
i did ask about this subject .. this very week to the ceo himself

i can only go on what jd told me .. the man hasn't sold one share
and it wouldn't surprise me if km's holdings (if that actually
matters to *some* lol) are *higher* than the 125M shown on 1/30/07

but again .. exph is an otc co. .. with all that that involves
it's called risk/reward ..

what i find amusing .. is what becomes an *issue*

for someone like myself .. who held shares in exph long before
etc .. was a glimmer in jd's eye .. etc and it's div/spinoff
is a *gift* .. but then i've been a shareholder of record
for more than a week .. month .. and year ;-)

km owning shares .. is a novelty for some .. i find the loyalty
factor and friendship aspect more a testament to both jd and
glenn .. than anything else .. but then as gambler so aptly
noted in his post yesterday .. there is a loyalty (that is
local to NC) that happens to also have put their support and
belief behind expo/DD

i stand by my DD .. showing that approx 16 people hold 900M shares
i'm looking forward to what i'm expecting to come to pass and i'm
really enjoying what having ST and TDA out of the *picture* is
doing for exph's pps .. ;-)

all jmo