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10/29/04 2:21 PM

#78105 RE: ergo sum #78104

can't we just take out one dictator/mass murderer? just give us one, and you guys can support the rest of them...
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10/29/04 2:27 PM

#78109 RE: ergo sum #78104

westera2 tongue must have gotten eaten by a cat. No anwsers to simple questions.
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10/29/04 2:34 PM

#78112 RE: ergo sum #78104

ergo for the life of me if you told me there just isnt any polio, i looked for it in my basement and my neighbors basement, and we had the police cheif inspect all the basements in san francisco and denver and we just didnt find polio, would it be logically correct to say there is no polio.

i had Pchem professor who told me thermodynamics has only be shown to work on earth. thenwe went to the moon and mars. so now i know thermodynamics has been proven in these places also. but i still dont know if it holds in all conditions.

its very important not to be properly righteous about unknowable things
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10/30/04 12:53 AM

#78307 RE: ergo sum #78104

"The real news is that there are no weapons of mass destruction. Spin it all you want"

That is precisely how the liberal media, Team Kerry & the DNC
have spun it.

It is the Big Lie. Well, it's just one of the Bid Lies.

You don't believe me?

Read this & show me where it says that it's only
about "stockpiles" of WMD's.

Text of UN Resolution 687 (AKA - The Gulf War Cease Fire Agreement)

The Gulf War CEASE FIRE Agreement was a ZERO Tolerance
policy. That meant Saddam had to unconditionally;

1) Completely eliminate every aspect of his WMD PROGRAMS (not
just "stockpiles"). This included provisions for the complete
destruction of all offensive weapons. This had to be done in
a completely verifiable manner to UN Inspectors.

2) Saddam had to completely eliminate every tie to terrorists
(internal & external).

3) Saddam had to completely halt his crimes against humanity.

4) Saddam had to make full reparations to Kuwait, ET AL.

Now this was the short & sweet version. There were absolutely
no provisions that allowed any deviation from each explicit
requirement. It meant 100%, unconditional compliance. Every
single UN Resolution, including Resolution 1441 was
irrevocably tied to #687.

Saddam spent more than 12 years in utter defiance of every
one of the above requirements before Bush's so-called "rush
to war". You know, where "Bush lied & misled" America
into a "unilateral", "illegal" war to take over their oil for
his Big Oil cronies?