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South Padre

12/04/09 7:04 PM

#30792 RE: jonzz128 #30788

I don't think is necessarily shorting as such. I think they are borrowing and selling shares over and over without any accounting for sales vs shares actually available. Then lets say they sell 1000 shares 20 times over to different buyers. Kinda like you have a thousand dollars in you bank account and write 20 checks against it. Everybody you write a check to that day can call the bank and verify funds, but the sh.. won't hit the fan until they all try to clear.


12/04/09 7:19 PM

#30795 RE: jonzz128 #30788

yeah, but it's naked shorting. so, officially they aren't shorting. mms make more money on pennies by pounding them into the ground until they hit 0001 and just issuing lot after lot, a mill for a hundred bucks, with no bid to ever make them actually produce shares, for months and months, than they do off the so called spread.