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11/01/04 11:38 AM

#22819 RE: F6 #22566

Chelsea hits the stump; Mel passionately denounces stem-cell research; and Clintons refuse Leno gift.

Nov. 1, 2004 / Turn On:

If you're feeling serious about politics and the state of the world on Monday night, you can take in "Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War" at 8 p.m. EST on the Sundance Channel. Or if you're feeling whimsical or in need of a laugh, you can learn how the donkey and the elephant came to represent the Democratic and Republican parties thanks to "Animal Icons: Political Animals" at 8 p.m. EST on Animal Planet and then tune in to "Saturday Night Live Presidential Bash 2004: The Great Debates," which will poke at politicians past and present, at 10 p.m. EST on NBC.

Morning Briefing:

Former First Daughter for Kerry [,13918,1340754,00.html ]: Chelsea Clinton stepped out over the weekend to join Caroline Kennedy, Karenna Gore Schiff, Cate Edwards and Vanessa Kerry to stump for John Kerry in Florida. In her first campaign speech ever, Clinton said, "To be honest, I couldn't imagine being anywhere else today. I couldn't imagine not being in Florida because the stakes are too high and the choice is too clear." (The Guardian)

Fuller of fury [ ]: Whatever Star magazine editorial director Bonnie Fuller can count as career accomplishments, inspiring loyalty from her employees doesn't seem to be among them. One unnamed employee has apparently felt compelled to send a six-page letter to the New York Post's Page Six sharing that Fuller's staffers call her "Leona" -- as in "Queen of Mean" Helmsley -- and sneer at her fashion sense behind her back. "She wears the same old black leather jacket and last season's pointy-toed shoes on a daily basis," the employee tattles. Just as long as said employee doesn't smush snot into Fuller's takeout food, as a group of her former assistants claimed earlier this year to have done. (Page Six)

Finished business [ ]: It's all over between Jay-Z and R.Kelly. The two musicians, who have been touring and have just released a new album together, are going their separate ways after an incident at Madison Square Garden over the weekend in which Kelly dropped his microphone in the middle of a duet with Jay-Z and walked off the stage -- only to be spritzed with pepper spray backstage by one of Jay-Z's people. Kelly, who was subsequently taken to the hospital for treatment, says that he left the stage mid-performance because he thought he saw a couple of audience members brandishing guns at him and had been spooked by a threatening phone call he'd received shortly before the show. A subsequent search by security turned up no weapons in the crowd. (N.Y. Daily News, USA Today [ ])

Also: Mel Gibson is speaking out against stem-cell research funding, telling WABC radio's Laura Ingraham that the measure in favor of it proposed in California is "a raping of the California taxpayers" (Page Six [ ]) ... Bill and Hillary Clinton sent back a get-well gift from "The Tonight Show" because accepting the $14,000 custom-made tandem bike would have violated U.S. Senate rules banning gifts valued at more than $50 (Page Six [ ]) ... And speaking of "The Tonight Show," Andy Richter, former sidekick to future "Tonight Show" host Conan O'Brien, admits to having some regret about leaving O'Brien's side back in 2000: "There was a moment where I thought, 'Gee, if I'd have just stuck around another nine years I would've been Ed McMahon' " (The Starr Report [ ]) ... Conrad N. Hilton 3rd, a cousin of Paris Hilton's father, reportedly behaved so badly toward staff at the New York Hilton -- in what appeared to be a drunken rampage -- that the hotel workers' union felt compelled to step in and insist that management give him the boot and tell him not to come back (Lloyd Grove's Lowdown [ ]) ... "Fahrenheit 9/11" will be available for download and via satellite TV tonight at 8 p.m. EST for a fee of $9.95 (Hollywood Reporter [ ]) ... And the University of North Carolina is offering a course called "Examining 'American Idol' Through Musical Critique," in which students use the hit Fox show as a window into music theory (CBC News [ ])

Copyright 2004 (emphasis added)


11/12/04 12:00 PM

#23540 RE: F6 #22566

(COMTEX) B: Christian Medical Association: Illinois 'Clone and Kill' Bill is a 'Wolf In Sheep's Clothing' ( U.S. Newswire )

WASHINGTON, Nov 12, 2004 (U.S. Newswire via COMTEX) -- The nation's largest faith-based association of doctors today labeled the Stem Cell Research Act (HB3589) currently before the Illinois House "a wolf in sheep's clothing," noting that it condones human cloning, encourages abortion for research, and betrays an ignorance of stem cell science.

"This bill is a wolf in sheep's clothing--a blatant attempt to foist human cloning on the good people of Illinois," explained David Stevens, M.D., M.A. (Ethics), executive director of the 17,000-member Christian Medical Association. "The bill clearly states 'that research involving the derivation and use of human embryonic stem cells...from any source, including somatic cell nuclear transplantation, shall be permitted.'

"That's human cloning. That's the exact same cloning process that produced Dolly the sheep. And when Dolly was cloned, an overwhelming majority of Americans and legislators vowed that cloning would never be used on human beings. Why? Because Americans who understand that our society hinges on respect for human life will not tolerate the immorality of creating and destroying one human being for the sake of another."

Dr. Stevens, who is a physician and bioethicist noted, "Besides encouraging embryo-destroying human cloning for research, this outrageous bill actually encourages abortions for research. The bill states that 'Embryonic or cadaveric fetal tissue may be donated for research purposes...' What kind of unconscionable incentive and twisted justification does this suggest to someone considering an abortion? And do legislators really believe that their constituents want a law that encourages stripping tissue from developing babies killed in abortions?"

Gene Rudd, MD, CMA associate executive director and obstetrician/gynecologist, observed, "The bill advances the deception that cloning and embryonic stem cell research will cure Alzheimer's disease. No credible scientist on either side of the debate has suggested that. And speculations about cures for other diseases are just that -- speculation. Based on this speculation, we are being asked to walk into ethical quicksand."

Dr. Rudd added, "It's curious that the bill's authors were careful to include mention of popular and non-controversial adult stem cell research, even though such research is already legal and accepted everywhere. Including its mention in this bill is simply a smokescreen to link ethical adult stem cell research with its unethical cousin, embryonic stem cell research. Adult stem cell research needs no legislation to promote it because it's already producing real results for real patients."

To schedule an interview, please contact Margie Shealy at 423-844-1047 or by e-mail: margie(At) The Christian Medical Association is equipped with Ku Band Digital Uplink satellite and ISDN lines.

CONTACT: Margie Shealy of the Christian Medical Association, 423-844-1047 or

Copyright (C) 2004, U.S. Newswire


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[F6 note -- in addition to the post to which this post is a reply and (the many) preceding, see also ]


12/14/04 5:41 PM

#24867 RE: F6 #22566

(COMTEX) B: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Endorses Robert Klein for California's Proposition 71 Oversight Committee Klein Is 'Uniquely Suited' to Chair Independent Citizens Oversight Committee ( PRNewswire )

NEW YORK, Dec 14, 2004 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), the world's leading charitable funder of research for type 1 diabetes and its complications, today endorsed the nomination of Robert Klein II for the Chairmanship of the Independent Citizens Oversight Committee that will oversee the landmark $3 billion stem cell research initiative approved by California voters last month.

"The single most important person behind Prop. 71 is Bob Klein. He exhaustively developed this groundbreaking legislation from its conception through to its successful passage, and he is uniquely suited to Chair the Independent Citizens Oversight Committee," stated Peter Van Etten, President and CEO of JDRF.

JDRF was an early and enthusiastic supporter of California's Proposition 71, which will provide $3 billion for stem cell research over the next 10 years. The organization has provided the Proposition 71 organizing committee with $1 million in financial support and deployed scores of volunteer supporters across the state in a successful effort to pass this legislation. National surveys have shown that up to 70% of Americans support stem cell research, and a recent poll sponsored by JDRF showed that a majority of those who voted to re-elect President Bush support an expansion of the Administration's policy governing this emerging field.

"As a successful businessman, Bob is qualified to efficiently oversee the development of the guidelines, processes, and infrastructure that will ensure California voters get more than their money's worth in new treatments and therapies that are anticipated from their investment in research," added Mr. Van Etten. "And with a parent suffering from Alzheimer's disease and a child with type 1 diabetes, Bob has a vested interest in making sure that their resources are well spent."

JDRF was founded in 1970 by the parents of children with juvenile diabetes -- a disease that strikes children suddenly, makes them insulin dependent for life, and carries the constant threat of devastating complications. Since inception, JDRF has provided more than $800 million to diabetes research worldwide. More than 80 percent of JDRF's expenditures directly support research and education about research. JDRF's mission is constant: to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research. For more information about JDRF please visit

SOURCE Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

CONTACT: Peter Cleary, National Director of Media Relations of JDRF, +1-212-479-7553, Cell: +1-917-698-8779, or


Copyright (C) 2004 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.


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