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08/01/02 10:56 AM

#10414 RE: LG #10404

LG, thank you for your response. I guess this is one of those cases when we are looking at the same set of facts and drawing different conclusions. Based on Zeev's posting history, if there was a planned absence, he would have told the board, as he did last year for the birth of a grandchild, so my assumption is that, for whatever reason, it is impractical for him to post directly to the thread. OTOH, I would think his sense of obligation would be to try to communicate that he will be AWOL, and in the absence of additional information, I have to accept bobbigirl's post at face value.

As you mention, posts are anonymous (except for Zeev), so I do not know what credentials bobbigirl could post that would satisfy (legitimate) skepticism. Further, given that Zeev does not hide his true identity, he has more reason than most not to disclose his whereabouts at every moment.

For myself, I hope all is well with him and his family, and given that he volunteers his time on this thread I don't know that he owes us any explanation, although I am sure one will be forthcoming in time as he sees it appropriate.

Just my opinion--I'm not criticizing anyone else's skepticism.



08/01/02 10:58 AM

#10416 RE: LG #10404

LG and ALL, I just spoke to Zeev and she is correct. He said I could post that he is fine, he has serious computer problems, AT&T has his line messed up, He is very very busy with other work, he will be back on line probably next week, he's at 40% cash. Probably the lowest test is still 1263.
