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12/03/09 8:15 PM

#7005 RE: john wayne #7002

Some companies are using Twitter as a marketing or public relations channel, much like an extension to their corporate blogs. They will post about corporate accomplishments and distribute links that take people back to corporate web pages, press releases, and other promotional sites.

This method probably seems to be the easiest way to get started, but companies need to be aware that using Twitter like this could actually hinder their image in the Twitter community. A whole bunch of self-serving, self-promotional tweets can actually damage their reputation - Twitter folks like a personal touch.

Gartner also warns that responding to comments can be risky when going this route, but, while that's true to a point, when done right responding on Twitter can be of great benefit to the company. To see some examples of brands that "get" how to tweet and respond, check out what Ford does, or Starbucks, or Dell.

Could SMVI use it? I think so.
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$oldier Hard

12/03/09 8:24 PM

#7008 RE: john wayne #7002

DUKE!!! My friend. How are you buddy? Nice to see you here sir.
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12/03/09 8:56 PM

#7014 RE: john wayne #7002

I would love to see them on Twitter. Many businesses use Twitter for marketing purposes and they seem to be doing well at it. I hope to see them on there soon!