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12/02/09 6:53 PM

#177582 RE: LC-GATOR #177580

Well Gator I am happy that you are so easily entertained. Just remember that he who laughs last, laughs best.


"Transparency, implies openness, communication, and accountability"

As far as openness and communication what are all the website and twitter updates? Are those not a form of communication with shareholders? Accountability, What is a fully reporting company if not accountable? Would the company be filing quarterlies and 10k's if they were not holding themselves accountable? What is your definition of accountability?


"Integrity as the quality of having a sense of honesty and truthfulness in regard to the motivations for one's actions."

Can you show me where the company is being less than truthfull in it's dealings with shareholders. OK I know that you are going to mention the R/S since that is the good old standby. That has been disscussed every which way possible so why not try to come up with some verifiable examples of the company being untruthful. Pease post some links to your answers so that the rest of us can tell if they are fact or fiction.

Lack of integrity could be easily traced to some here that have been less than truthfull about their motivations for certain actions. Do you remember the one about the MLB license being cancelled that somebody started the big rumor about because they heard it in the barber shop or some place? There was a tremendous amount of integrity involved with that wasn't there? What do you think that persons motivation was?

"To EI's credit they have hung in there and have tried to run the business with integrity and transparency to the shareholders."


I am a shareholder and I don't feel at like the company has survived at my expense at all. When I bought shares in Eternal Image I freely gave them my money to do with as they wished to move the company forward. They don't owe me anything since it was my free choice to invest here. The only thing that I feel that they owe me is that they make the honest effort to move the company forward and I feel that they are doing that everyday. All my opinion of course!
