Kingpindg, ..your skill for picking up articles out of the mainstream is fascinating. We are appreciate your news bites, and those of Homeport and Rambus. ER....I know I'm forgetting someone important. Sorry.
From the onstart, STP was described as the next Kuwait, and now, accordingly, the manifistation is coming to pass. Never described as more difficult than going through the eye of the needle ( which, incidentally, is a real place ), the STPers must have always sort of known the oil was out there.
What originally drew me to STP, then ERHC were pictures of pre-teens running along the beaches of Angola, dixie cups in hand, full of oil, dug down no more than a foot from the surf.
Oil under a foot deep, right near the surf. I knew there had to be a bunch of it in the area.
Next clue were oil seeps on the archipelago itself. Then, oil was seen floating on the topwater.
It's there.
We're here.
It's now.