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11/28/09 12:15 PM

#26255 RE: tommy 9 fingers #26204


Hey man, hope your turkey day was enjoyable! I'm still a little woozey from all the freakin triptofan!

So you have decided to come aboard, eh? I assume you read my posts from Perlowin already but just in case, here they are:

Dear Mr. Perlowin,

First off, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Secondly, thank you so much for the rapid and very candid response. Based on your openness in this email, I cannot imagine that another individual hasn't already written you and gotten this word out to the masses! I am relatively new to this emerging market and with the three entities that I have surmised are on the forefront of this thing, MJNA, HESG and CBIS.
Thank you also on being so transparent about your own history, of which I personally do not judge as I had dabbled in my own related activities as a younger man....and always held the notion that one day this substance would become legalized to some extent, and here we are! This is a great period in American history to be alive indeed.
I completely understand your not issuing a PR on this matter as it does seem redundant. I think there has been some skepticim on this area as it is known that some less-than-legit practices do occur involving larger companies receiving payment from struggling companies to utilize their names in false PR's etc. So your response to me puts that to rest.
I also completely understand why you eschew the PR's until the ink on the contract has dried, and in my humble opinion, within this realm of the corporate world, I honestly agree in waiting until the deal is done before PR'ing the endeavor. I say this because I have observed that often such "fluff" PR's issued prior to a deal being closed often work to lower the share price in a struggling company, or in your case, spark frustration and useless speculation among investors. In other words, why tease us with "intentions" and "plans" etc. rather than simply giving us the meat as it were. Sorry for the pontification...just wanted to share that.
Finally, another investor brought up a cogent question that as I now have your ear, I would like to pose to you. That is, what does HESG have to offer your establishment that would make it a suitable candidate for a merger?
In any case, I think you have convinced me to join team MJNA, and to fortify my position in HESG! Your openness is refreshing, and your style of communication is admirable!
Have a great turkey day!


Hey Chris,

It’s simple - on one level – what HESG offers me is the experience of Thomas Gaffney. Like he said to me, “I know stocks like you know marijuana, I’ve been doing stocks for 25 years”. While I do have partners, attorneys, advisors, etc. in the public company arena – I like Thomas Gaffney’s skill set in this area and it does create a synergistic relationship with my skill sets – so I think this is a formula for an win-win situation. One certainly can’t argue with the recent action in his stock movement once the press releases went out – he knows his stuff – we know ours - and I look forward to working with him now and in the future.

Thanks, Bruce Perlowin

Here is his response from my first email to him-

Subject: RE: Inquiry
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 21:54:01 -0800

Hey ,

Everything in the press releases from HESG is accurate and we are engaged in talks on many levels, with many possible outcomes. The reason you don’t see the same press releases from our side is, one - because why put out a redundant press release and two - we have a different probably more rigid policy when it comes to press releases (probably because of the industry we are in where we have to dot every I and cross every T, to make sure we are doing everything totally legal in a changing legal environment with a touchy subject matter – especially with my touchy background ( in this industry).

Anyway, we don’t put out press releases until something is actually completed and done (signed sealed and delivered). Personally, I don’t like this approach as there are literally dozens of things I would like to say in a press release regarding what we are launching in the medical marijuana industry, the contracts we are negotiating, and the new and lucrative divisions we are planning to roll out. I really have to bite my tongue – all the time - everyday. And personally I like HESG’s approach better than ours and may change that in the near future.

So based on that – our press release would come out after a deal is signed – not before. Obviously, I think that press release will be coming out one day if the talks and negotiations work out like we all hope they do, and the talks are moving forward and to date there have been no snags in that process – thought there are numerous nuances, twist and variations on the theme that we are discussing and moving forward with. So spread the word far and wide.


Bruce Perlowin


I liked most of what I read in these emails, but my primary concern centers around his comments in response to my questions posed about in what ways HESG has something to offer MJNA....
He talks about skills sets being complimentary, which is great, but what bothers me is his comment about Gaffney knowing stocks and he uses the example of the recent PR's put out and the effect they had on the share price.
Well, I wrote back to him the following on Thanksgiving Day eve and have not heard back yet:

Mr. Perlowin,

Thank you again for the quick response! You are a credit to your kind...
I must say however, that I would want to hear more to fully understand what you mean about his skill sets being complimentary to your own. I think the shareholders would appreciate a greater understanding of what has fueled this relationship as many are somewhat baffled by it.
In truth, you speak of Gaffney's acumen in stocks, but frankly, a cursory view of HESG's SP over the last five years has seen it fall from well over one dollar to the triple zeros! Also in viewing his prior attempts at various ventures, the success rate has been less than stellar, so I am assuming that when he makes a blanket statement about knowing stocks as you know marijuana, I must assume he said more than that to gain your ear.
So if you could share more about Mr. Gaffney's acumen in stocks that you find compelling, I would be most appreciative as will your followers in both companies.
I am a serious investor in HESG, so I am only seeking additional evidence to support my decision to remain as such and my due diligence thus far has not given me the same feeling you suggested in your prior correspondence to me, so any information to this issue will be greatly appreciated, and as always, I will spread your word far and wide!

Enjoy the day,

My concern is that he responded back almost immediately in the first two emails when the answers were quick and easy, but it seems that when I asked him the tougher questions, I am getting some delay. Do you think I am overthinking this? Maybe he will respond back tomorrow, but it's just weird....he writes me back on Thanksgiving day evening, but doesn't write back a day later. What do you think about that as well as my last email to him? Does this consistute a red flag or do I give him some more time to respond before thinking so?
Enjoy your weekend,
