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11/25/09 10:16 PM

#44218 RE: JDAMAX #44216

Looks to me like time is running out for Charles and his IR PR BS renderings as we approach that near future he speaks of.

I know that this man and I will never find amicable ground if he insults us one more time with one of his priceless press releases. He must get a backbone and insist that anything published adds up, cleanly and straight spoken. Don't say it Charles if you can't tell it like it is. If Mark can't edit and their lawyers can't edit, that's understandable. Lots of CEOs and lawyers can't write well. However, there are a couple very nice school houses in Milford where I would bet that they could get the needed help.

I cringe at the thought of again reading a bunch of posts saying what a great PR has come out, hurrah hurrah hurrah, when we have for the umpteenth time been served more poorly compiled half baked thoughts and disclosures, which simply do not add up. Not again Charles!

If all this was a ruse to fleece the markets for a great buyback of shares, well good enough. Not that I would condone it being done that way but spineless swingers need to get on down the road so longs can cement this foundation together.

Copper King Mining has the makings of being a great American company, which investors and the sector may regarded with respect and pride. Milford, Utah is the town. The community is the labor force. This can be and should be a very good bit of history.

From CM

Happy Thanksgiving (Nice start!)

As all of you know, this has been a very tough couple of weeks (Most certainly not helped with his PRs). I believe that there have been some rumors (Some rumors! This joker is wild!) that were unfounded and some information out there that was dramatically over-exaggerated (Ha ha ha ha ha! The dramatist speaks! How do you over-exaggerate fiction?) .

We are going to have some news in the near-term that I think will answer some of the questions. (Not that will answer some of our questions, but that he thinks will answer some of our questions. Aren't the questions clear to him yet?) I am sure that by the end of next week, I will be able to update everyone on the intermediate term potential for our Company. Everyone continues to work very hard toward our goals.

I am very sorry for the delay in getting back to some of you either on the phone or via email. (If the IR PRs did their job, there would be fewer phone calls and emails.) As you know, I have prided myself with immediate responses to both methods of communications. This has just not been possible since I have been inundated with both new investors requiring information and many of you long-term supporters with valid questions. In fact, today I received an email telling me that my voicemail was full..I called in and took down all of the messages and by the time I got off the call, there were 4 new messages. (My exasperation overwhelms me! I suspect that Charles needs an assistant whom he could pay from some of his salary. Someone like a struggling college student. My daughter is at Fletcher School of Law and may be able to help him out.)

The bottom line here is that I will continue to answer all of the questions and this message is just one to say “I hear you” and I will continue to do my best to get back to all of you as soon as possible.(This isn't even quality IR BS.)

I hope you all have a good Thanksgiving and that we can pick up next week with some solid progress to report. (Kisses for you too Charles!)
