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Replies to #3458 on Glenn Beck
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11/25/09 8:41 PM

#3459 RE: NYBob #3458

Bob, very nice article.
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11/25/09 8:42 PM

#3460 RE: NYBob #3458

how can u.s.a. end these killings of our elite forces in middle east?
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11/26/09 4:35 AM

#3467 RE: NYBob #3458

Happy Thanksgiving everyone :-) Suffolk Judge Jeffrey Spinner :-)
wiped out $525,000 in mortgage payments :-)
demanded by a California bank, blasting its
"harsh, repugnant, shocking and repulsive" acts -

history often repeat itself -

it was the Passover, and pilgrims people alike from all over the world
would come to Jerusalem to seek after our Father God at the Temple -
they would come marching through the hills singing and rejoicing -
of the great things that our Father God has done -
it was a wonderful time of joy and festivity -
once they arrived, the foreigners people would come to the Court of
the Gentiles (or in its porch), and they would be confronted
with the "666moneychangers" -
when our Bro Jesus saw them He made a whip of cords and drove them
all out of the Temple and said "do not make My Father's House to
a house of merchandise!" -

The large outer court was called "the Court of the Gentiles"
because it was devoted to the foreigners of people who had come to
worship our God at the Temple and they could proceed no further -
it is interesting that our Bro Jesus chose to stop at this place -
to show forth His anger toward the 666moneychangers -
the Court of the "Gentiles," and this was not the first time -
that He came to the aid of the people -

The profanity and abuse of the 666moneychangers was no small thing -
they treated the foreign guests of people with much contempt and
even the bureaucracy rats constantly scorned this place and
abused the pilgrims people who came to worship -

The word "moneychanger" means 666money-banksters -
They would make large profits at the expense of the pilgrims of
people -
Every Israelite, rich or poor, who had reached the age of twenty -
was obligated to pay a half shekel as an offering to Jehovah into
the sacred treasury -
this tribute was in every case to be paid in the exact Hebrew
half shekel -
at Passover everyone in the world who was an adult male and wished
to worship at the Temple would bring his "offering" or purchase
a sacrificial thing at the Temple -
since there was no acceptance of foreign peoples money with any
foreign image the 666money-changers would sell "Temple coinage"
at a very high rate of exchange and assess a fixed charge
for their services -

the judges, who sat to inspect the offerings that were brought
by the pilgrims of people, were quick to detect any blemish
in them -
this was expensive for the wealthy pilgrims, not to say how
ruinous this was for the poor who could only offer their
turtle-doves and pigeons -
there was no defense for them or court of appeal, seeing that
the priestly authorities of bureaucracy rats took a large
percentage on every transaction -

Bro Jesus referred to the Temple as the "House of God" and called
it a "House of Prayer" for our people from all nations -
when our Bro Jesus arrived with the mass of pilgrims of people -
He overturned the tables and called it a den of thieves and
a house of merchandise -
the Temple was in some sense used by the national banksters -
it was a great public treasury with vaults containing immense
stores of private wealth -
these deposits never sat idle, but were loaned at the 666evils
high rates of interest -
the historian Josephus wrote an account of the burning -
of the archives in Jerusalem and it gives an appalling picture -
of the incredible debts that were owed by the poor people to
the 666rich -
it is believed that the intention of the burning was to 'destroy
the 666money-lenders' tallies and to prevent the exaction of debts -
after reading about how an infuriated mob (around 30 years later)
robbed the Temple booths and dragged the sons of Annas to their
death, it can only be imagined how much the authorities of
bureaucracy rats were hated by the humble commoners -

the 666banksters today are no different than for 2000 years ago -
the 666 have ex..
sold derivatives for more than $500 trillions and robbed the
people of the trillions in bailouts - to destroy the dollar and
the peoples savings, pensions etc. from our peoples lifetime
of hard work etc. -

let us now look at the positive faith side -
focus on our Father God's healing power -
help us to believe God's healing promises -
to have the faith we need, to overcome and endure -
the Word of God will save our life -
give attention to my words -
incline your ear to my sayings -
do not let them depart from your eyes -
keep them in the midst of your heart -
for they are life to those who find them -
health to all their flesh -
God’s Word will not fail -
not a word failed of any good thing -
which our LORD had spoken to the house of Israel -
all came to pass, God’s will -- healing --
is working in us, for it is God who works -
in us to will and to do for His good pleasure -
the Spirit of Life is making our body alive -
if the Spirit of Him who raised Bro Jesus -
from the dead dwells in us -
He who raised Christ from the dead -
will also give life to our mortal bodies -
through His Spirit who dwells in us -
it is our God’s will for us to be healed -
to behold, a leper came and worshipped Him -
saying, Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean -
Bro Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying,
I am willing - be cleansed -
immediately his leprosy was cleansed -
obey our God’s Word and be healed -
if you diligently heed the voice of the LORD -
your God and do what is right in His sight -
give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes -
He will put none of the diseases on us -
for He is the LORD who heals us -
serve the Lord and healing will be ours -
we shall serve the LORD our God -
He will bless our bread and our water -
He will take sickness away from the midst of us -
our God takes all sickness away from us -
the LORD will take away from us all sickness -
will afflict us with none of the terrible diseases -
which we have known, but will lay them -
on all those who hate us -
obey our God’s commandments and receive His blessings -
that there may be food in our house -
try Me now in this, says the LORD of hosts -
if I will not open for you the windows of heaven -
pour out for you such blessing -
that there will not be room enough to receive it -
one of our God’s benefits is healing -
Bless the LORD, O my soul, all that is within us -
bless His holy name, Bless the LORD, O our soul -
forget not all His benefits -
Who forgives all our iniquities -
Who heals all our diseases -
Who redeems our life from destruction -
Who crowns us with loving kindness and tender mercies -
Who satisfies our mouth with good things -
So that our youth is renewed like the eagle's -
our God is for us, for all the promises -
of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen -
to the glory of God through us -
with His Glory ThanksGiving -
God Bless us -