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10/26/04 8:17 PM

#46389 RE: Tim Fowler #46341

Fowler: ...and still am asking how lower R&D budgets would make this problem worse.

R&D is just that. You really never know what you'll get. It's hunt and peck, trial and error. What will the market accept?

You need to try several things to find out what works, and what doesn't. It takes a large R&D budget in order to move the market. Intel has done that for many years. Having lower R&D budgets will result in some innovations such as AMD64 and HT, moreover, those technologies that may be disruptive (because you need to focus your interests to your own benefits). But, it doesn't do anything for the larger market. Once again, in these difficult economic times and slow growth rates you don't need two disparate technologies going at each other, you need to evangelize the market to keep it growing.
