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11/23/09 10:15 PM

#5455 RE: dan1drew2 #5454

joe, did you happen to catch my post about the video animations on CT...

specifically it was directed to sonomawest but to all also...

i think i posted it like at 5am today... so click my moniker and search my posts...

my thoughts after watching it...

i was excited because i was dreaming about the "what if's."

like we own the intellectual property of 3d real-time... including but specifically related to medical's what the DViS is all about...right...

i was thinking about our technology integrated with say the high-technological nano-detector system that Philips' uses for their CT scanner as shown by the animation...

or what if that type of technology was put into the DViS detector plate...

that is what i would like to see down the road...i.e., if such "deals" are struck, etc. etc.