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11/21/09 11:50 PM

#75157 RE: samstocks #75156

Sambo; Over your head by a few tens of thousands of dollars?

Awwww, we are all sorry about you. Did you buy in on whatever the hype du jour (you get a cup of soup and a salad with that) was? And then double down when it disappointed you but the hypesters conjured up the Samsung is XXX millions line of b. s.?

Wow, it is everyone's fault but your's that this did not materialize and make you rich. In the future, be sure to blame the rest of us (the Too Longs) for all your personal woes.




11/22/09 12:01 PM

#75158 RE: samstocks #75156

Moron is your favorite word..must be what your old man called you daily.

Anyways...better to be a moron here than upside down and broke like you A-cons.

R U Smart enuf to notice the share price? Yeah we were supposed to be over a buck by now with all the hyping on the A board.

Watch it drop sucker...unless management pulls thru this time.

I'm still holding my breath.