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11/21/09 3:00 AM

#20788 RE: Darth Vader #20785

Darth, I really was touched by your soliloquy, but instead of focusing on the PROBLEM, once again you seem to blame those who have nothing to do with the continued failure, and instead complain about being reminded of this embarrassment.

Posting in here about failed and false promises is NOT negative input. It is "telling it like it is.. The truth will set you free.

I find it personally offensive that you celebrate the current management who has been living "high on the hog" on other's dimes, promising the world, and continuing to deliver nothing. How dare you insult anyone in here about what they are capable of in the business world and compare them to these fakirs. That is offensive and ignorant. You know NOTHING about any of the "investors" who post here, so your comparison of them to "AK" is beyond meaningless. "AK" has proven to be a liar, a fraud, a snake oil salesman, and a man who isn't good for his debt or word. These are FACTS Darth, not pump, not pluff and certainly not speculation. You should be ashamed of yourself. Who cares if "AK" has a "dream" if he can't be trusted?

Your explanation of "balance" being the rationale behind your "information sharing" posts is either disingenuous or insane, I'm not sure which. And let's face it, your track record with respect to shared information is poor. I only wonder how many folks have lost money believing you knew what you were talking about.

I hope there is a launch. PPS doubles I'll be excited to buy a new universal remote control, or something like that. But you, like everyone else, like me, can't begin to promise what a launch EVEN MEANS. This business model could be a success (a slim chance at this point), or it could be a failure (what the market says it is by its lack of capitalization). Yeah, I believed in this thing at first blush, but now, even a launch hardly means success. One would have to be insane to believe a company that has yet to earn a dime, with this one's track record, is on the verge of greatness.

And Darth, the man's name is ALLAN. Please let me know when ALLAN's sacrifices extend to flying COACH on his junkets.
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11/21/09 1:08 PM

#20795 RE: Darth Vader #20785

He has had years to secure the funding. In good economic times and now in bad. He should have had funding long ago.

Is this going to happen or not?

I believe in the Qtrax model let's get it launched and see what happens.
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11/21/09 9:47 PM

#20805 RE: Darth Vader #20785

Well said Darth - Ak's our Man

Your comments are very valid. Once it does come together people will start telling AK how "lucky he is" to have achieved success! What stupid comments are being stated for all the work and sacrifices he and his team have made - and the unnecessary abuse he has taken here. Anyone without hard core experience cannot imagine how difficult it is to get each critical part of a corporate plan/puzzle working in harmony - the more complex and unique the plan, the harder it is. If you don't like this assessment then simply sell and leave. I will repeat my previous comments - if this project is so bad as many want to say, why are so many highly qualified people putting their corporations and reputations at risk? As painful as the wait may be for many investors, you are simply experiencing the "joys" of venture investing. Enjoy your weekend.