<<All I know is somebody's selling a lot of shares and somebody's buying a lot of shares......what's going on....I haven't a clue.>>
the higher than normal vol in dnap last wk and continueing today with not even a slight rise in price is perplexing. i'm guessing it's tied in somewhat with lajolla selling, along with more people deciding to stock up on bargain prices after thinking more about the biofrontera announcements? the nbr of sh outstanding and upcoming dilution, of course keeps the sh price down in the short run until those hoped for "obscene" profits kick in. MUCH higher vol will be needed to move the sh price up.
not really related to dnap, but i see some interesting things happened today with couple stocks i own. corixa (which tony once worked for) was down .44cents on over 1 mil shrs, down 11% without any news. normal daily vol is around 255th, i believe. stem cell stocks 'stem' was up 1.09, some 50% on vol of 57mil, total sh outstanding only 54mil. 'gern' up big on over 1 mil vol way over normal vol. regarding stem cells, it could be related with opposing viewpoints in presidential election, i suppose, but i'd sure like to know what's up with crxa, not to mention dnap.