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11/19/09 11:03 PM

#186816 RE: miamidrift #186813

And SSP, one of your posts:
Posted by: spp119 Date: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 12:55:07 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 186813

Sao Tome to set up national oil firm: govt official
Wed Nov 4, 2009 4:08pm GMT

CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - Sao Tome and Principe, a tiny African island nation, will establish a national oil company before the end of the year to develop the island's offshore crude oil fields, a government official said on Wednesday. "

(Wait a minute. Time out. SSP did you have the decency to call Sao Tome and tell them they do not have any oil because your trusted advisor said so and you are trying to get everyone to sell down their stock before it is too late.")

Now why would Sao Tome set up their own oil company if the JDZ is mostly gas as you say. And why are you posting Sao Tome is setting up an oil company all the while saying their is no oil?

Could it be:
1. you have better contacts than Sao Tome does in what is going on in the JDZ.
Therefore, Sao Tome is in la la land thinking they will have oil to sell?
2. do you think the Sao Tome population is trying to corner the coconut market in order to raise enough cash to buy an oil company?

AND ANOTHER BIG QUESTION, if you know that all the wells are loaded with gas and no oil, why would Sao Tome want to host an oil conference and is inviting African nations to their shore on the heels of your negative news? Do you think it was a typo and they wanted to host a natural gas conference sponsored by corporations knowledgeable and in the business of selling "natural gas blowout" prevention equipment, remediation equipment and protective gear for people working on "floaters"?

Do you think the Sao Tomeans will have a new national motto:

"Now we are cooking on Gas"

Do you think the Sao Tomeans will ban the sale of GasX on the island?
Your posts sure open a lot of cans of worms...not to mention the creation of a lot of smoke.

Gee, I don't know much about the oil business and there are too many more questions to ask you as an oil guru...hope I get to sleep ok tonight. Sometimes n oil guru is a mixed blessing.

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11/20/09 4:33 AM

#186829 RE: miamidrift #186813


I have no fixation on gas. I was anticipating oil finds like practically everyone else based on the pre-drill estimates NSAI/ADDAX had issued.

But I also try not have wax in my ears nor wear rose-tinted glasses. There was always that verbal appendage (by JS at recent presentations)that a mostly gas find could not be dismissed. And every oil industry man and his dog knows (as many have stressed repeatedly on this bb) that no-one knows what the true situation is until Dr Drill reveals his find.

I had, as a consequence, some months ago, brought up a JDZ gas scenario on this bb, for discussion saying that if such were the case, that would not necessarily be a cause for of doom and gloom. NG could also be commercial.

I got crucified for daring to think outside the oil box. Sorry but I will continue to speak my mind. And to express it as best I can, as rationally argued as I can and with as much evidence at my disposal as possible. Too bad if some cannot stomach dissenting views.

The circumstantial, post-drilling fact that gas is what the JDZ is mostly about, can be contended until official results are out. I will certainly apologise to the board, if I have been shown to be wrong. I very much doubt however people will do the same to me, if the less travelled route I have taken, proves it was not the dead end it has been made out to be. But hopefully they will remember the main arguments made......and not reach for the panic sell button

As for the blow out. I am not a phantasist. It - or something very much like it - happened. It happened on Kina. And yes I was anxious about it. A few months earlier, a similar big bang caused a very major - and expensive - drilling project at the Kuda well offshore Ghana on the West Cape Three Points field to be cancelled. Sure did not want anything like that to happen here.....and I related such tidings which came my way, probably seeking some sort of emotional support from fellow ERHE investors, if such catastrophe was to occur here as well.

You more than most, will realize that this bb is of course about ERHE discussion and opinion. Even pontification. But at the same time it has additionally come to serve not only as a great fact finding nexus .....but as a beacon of comradeship and of relationships as well.

To which everyone is entitled......
