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Replies to #86526 on Biotech Values


11/20/09 8:43 PM

#86569 RE: genisi #86526

Medco is trying to prove non-inferiority of Plavix [to LLY’s Effient] in normal CYP2C19 metabolizers. If it works out for Medco, by the time Plavix goes off-patent, a simple genotyping test can distinguish those who can take cheap generics from those who cannot. Now, can you see a link to Medco's Plavix/heartburn trial that made you suspicious?

At first, I didn’t see the connection between Medco’s Plavix-vs-Effient study and its drug-drug-interaction study of Plavix with PPI’s, but now I do. Please see my next post.


11/20/09 8:44 PM

#86570 RE: genisi #86526

How Medco Hopes to Reduce Antiplatelet-Drug Sales

[That’s my own title, but it could well have been the title of the following blog. The blogger makes some salient observations about what the pharmacy benefit manager, Medco, is trying to accomplish with its Plavix studies and, by extrapolation, how “comparative effectiveness” is apt to be employed by third-party payers to keep a lid on the sales of blockbuster drugs.]

›Plavix Label Change: Good For Effient Now, Bad For Brands in the Long Run?

NOVEMBER 19, 2009

The Food & Drug Administration's public health alert on Plavix is…a nice boost for Eli Lilly and Daiichi Sankyo, who market the competing platelet agent Effient.

But the back story to this regulatory action merits closer attention by all pharmaceutical sponsors. This is no ordinary labeling change, and the implications of how the regulatory response came about only underscore how difficult it will be for all sponsors who hope to sustain (or revive?) the blockbuster model in the years to come.

This labeling change suggests a model for application of pharmacogenomic research that biopharma companies will find very threatening: it sure looks like sponsors hoping to build blockbuster franchises are at a huge disadvantage against payors hoping to limit those opportunities.

And that's why this labeling change may end up being bad news for all brands in the long run--very much including Effient.

First, the news: FDA has revised Plavix labeling to emphasize that the Bristol-Myers Squibb/Sanofi Aventis blockbuster doesn't work too well in patients who are poor metabolizers of the drug. In particular, FDA is concerned about impairment of the CYP2C19 metabolic pathway, whether because of genetic variations or coadministration of other drugs, including the widely used proton pump inhibitor omeprazole (Prilosec).

Okay, none of that is actually news. FDA first issued the warning in January, and quietly modified Plavix labeling in May.

What is news is that FDA has decided that information is now a formal warning, rather than a milder precaution--and, more importantly, the agency chose to amplify that warning (especially regarding PPI use) via a media conference call.

It is easy to see why Lilly and Daiichi would be pleased: anything that complicates the decision to prescribe Plavix will help them make the case that doctors should prescribe Effient (and, as we've already pointed out, they need all the help they can get).

Okay, so this sounds almost reassuringly like a classic story of head-to-head competition in a blockbuster class, and how the regulatory process can play to one side's advantage. Plavix is dinged, Effient benefits.

But this is nowhere near that simple.

Because there are third parties involved: payors and pharmacy benefit managers. The interaction between PPIs and Plavix was first publicized by Aetna and by Medco, both of whom used claims data to suggest an association between PPI use and diminished outcomes for patients treated with Plavix.

Its not just that payors capitalized on a safety issue: they really drove the regulatory response and the application of a newly discovered pharmacogenomic marker. In Medco's case at least, Chief Medical Officer Robert Epstein told us, the whole idea was to find a way to test the emerging theory that CYP2C19 genotyping may predict Plavix response. Since Medco didn't have genotyping data on patients in its database, it looked at concomitant use of omeprazole [Prilosec] instead, since the PPI is a known inhibitor of the 2C19 pathway. [Actually, the proxy Medco used for a deficient 2C19 pathway was not limited to a patient’s use of Prilosec, but also included a patient’s use of Nexium, Prevacid, or Protonix; all four drugs are PPI’s with essentially the same MoA.]

FDA's first public health alert followed the Aetna and Medco claims studies; the latest one came after Bristol and Sanofi conducted a drug interaction study confirming the observational results. That's certainly not a regulatory model sponsors are eager to consider--especially since we would be willing to bet that the observational research that triggered the warning cost Medco much less than the clinical trial the sponsors were forced to conduct to confirm it.

Medco, at least, isn't done… the company is now taking the next step, conducting a large scale observational study to test the hypothesis that the superior efficacy demonstrated by Lilly in its head-to-head study of Effient vs. Plavix can be explained by the inclusion of poor metabolizers of Plavix in the comparator group.

And Medco's interest most definitely is NOT in helping either brand in this class. Medco's interests include advancing the company's positioning as a leader in therapy management, particular as it comes to applying pharmacogenetic knowledge. And Medco certainly wants to work with its payor clients to make sure insured members receive the best possible care.

But what Medco wants above all is to carve out a long term market for generic clopidogrel--and in effect limit Effient's share (as well as the share of all future brands in the class)--to whatever slice can't be held for the generic.

The study design, as Epstein explained to us, is simple: Medco will (at its own cost) run a genetic screen on patients prescribed Plavix to identify those who properly metabolize the drugs. [I think this is a typo where the intended word was "drug" (singular), i.e. Plavix.]. It will then compare 14,000 of those patients to 14,000 Medco members who receive Effient, and see if there is a difference in cardiovascular outcomes.

Medco clearly expects to demonstrate that there is no meaningful difference between the two

Now this whole thing could backfire on Medco. Its data could end up suggesting superior outcomes even when the comparison arm is enriched for Plavix response. (And Medco has registered the trial on, so while we doubt they would trumpet that result, they can't just bury it either.)

And the study could by itself end up promoting the launch of Effient. Certainly, Lilly and Daiichi are only too happy to have Medco's support in spreading the message that their drug is active regardless of that specific genomic marker.

Indeed, as part of the screening effort, Medco is likely to drive some conversions from Plavix to Effient: patients who are genotyped as poor metabolizers will be informed of that status (as will their physician). Medco will not make any recommendations, but it is safe to bet that many identified as poor responders to Plavix will switch therapies. Given that 30% or so of the population has the genotype in question, Medco is likely to notify about 6,000 people that they may not be getting the full benefit of their antiplatelet therapy with Plavix.

But that only underscores the bigger point. Medco is willing to make a relatively big investment--and even to help grow a potential blockbuster franchise in the short term--in order to help limit the size of that market in the long run.

And it will cost Medco far less to do that than it costs for sponsors to bring potential blockbusters to the market in the first place.

Now, Epstein wasn't willing to disclose how much this undertaking will cost, but he did suggest it isn't terribly expensive. Medco collects the outcomes data already, so the only cost will be running the genotyping program. Medco will be doing the tests in house, via its own CLIA-certified lab test, so that expense will be kept as low as possible.

All in all, that is not a trivial expense for a pharmacy benefit management company to take on spec, but we're willing to bet it is less than 1% what it cost for Lilly to "prove" the superiority of Effient in a head to head trial.

Which is why, when it comes to trying to establish blockbusters in an era of high payor influence and ever advancing knowledge of the heterogeneity of drug response, it seems like the odds are stacked in favor of those who want to keep market sizes small.‹


03/13/10 12:10 AM

#92306 RE: genisi #86526

FDA Adds Black-Box Warning on Plavix for Poor Metabolizers of Prodrug

[See #msg-43805829 for related material.]

›[03-12-2010] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has added a Boxed Warning to the label for Plavix, the anti-blood clotting medication. The Boxed Warning is about patients who do not effectively metabolize the drug (i.e. "poor metabolizers") and therefore may not receive the full benefits of the drug.

The Boxed Warning in the drug label will include information to:

• Warn about reduced effectiveness in patients who are poor metabolizers of Plavix. Poor metabolizers do not effectively convert Plavix to its active form in the body.

• Inform healthcare professionals that tests are available to identify genetic differences in CYP2C19 function.

• Advise healthcare professionals to consider use of other anti-platelet medications or alternative dosing strategies for Plavix in patients identified as poor metabolizers.

Plavix is given to reduce the risk of heart attack, unstable angina, stroke, and cardiovascular death in patients with cardiovascular disease. Plavix works by decreasing the activity of blood cells called platelets, making platelets less likely to form blood clots.

For Plavix to work, enzymes in the liver (particularly CYP2C19) must convert (metabolize) the drug to its active form. Patients who are poor metabolizers of the drug, do not effectively convert Plavix to its active form. In these patients, Plavix has less effect on platelets, and therefore less ability to prevent heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular death. It is estimated that 2 to 14% of the population are poor metabolizers; the rate varies based on racial background.

Healthcare professionals should be aware that a subgroup of patients are poor metabolizers and do not metabolize Plavix effectively; this can result in reduced effectiveness of Plavix. Healthcare professionals should consider use of other anti-platelet medications or alternative dosing strategies for Plavix in these patients.

Patients should not stop taking Plavix unless told to do so by their healthcare professional. They should talk with their healthcare professional if they have any concerns about Plavix, or to find out if they should be tested for being a poor metabolizer.

In May 2009, FDA added information about poor metabolizers of Plavix to the drug label. However, based on additional data reviewed by the agency (see Data Summary below) the Boxed Warning is now being added to highlight the reduced effectiveness of Plavix in these patients and to recommend that healthcare professionals consider use of other anti-platelet medications or alternative dosing strategies for Plavix in patients identified as poor metabolizers.

Additional Information for Patients

Patients currently taking Plavix should:

• Be aware that some patients do not convert Plavix to its active form as well as other patients. These patients may not get the same benefit from Plavix and are known as poor metabolizers.

• Not stop taking Plavix unless told to do so by their healthcare professional.

• Talk with their healthcare professional if they have any concerns about Plavix.

• Talk with their healthcare professional to see if testing to determine their metabolizer status is appropriate.

Additional Information for Healthcare Professionals

FDA recommends that healthcare professionals should:

• Be aware that some patients may be poor metabolizers of Plavix. They do not effectively convert Plavix to its active form because of low CYP 2C19 activity.The effectiveness of Plavix as a preventive therapy is reduced in these patients.

• Be aware that tests are available to determine patients' CYP2C19 status.

• Consider use of other anti-platelet medications or alternative dosing strategies for Plavix in patients who have been identified as poor metabolizers.

• Be aware that although a higher dose regimen (600 mg loading dose followed by 150 mg once daily) in poor metabolizers increases antiplatelet response, an appropriate dose regimen for poor metabolizers has not been established in a clinical outcome trial.

• Review the newly approved Plavix drug label for complete information on the use of Plavix

Data Summary

The liver enzyme CYP2C19 is primarily responsible for the formation of the active metabolite of Plavix. Pharmacokinetic and antiplatelet tests of the active metabolite of Plavix show that the drug levels and antiplatelet effects differ depending on the genotype of the CYP2C19 enzyme. The following represent the different alleles of CYP2C19 that make up a patient's genotype:

• The CYP2C19*1 allele has fully functional metabolism of Plavix.

• The CYP2C19*2 and *3 alleles have no functional metabolism of Plavix. These two alleles account for most of the reduced function alleles in patients of Caucasian (85%) and Asian (99%) descent classified as poor metabolizers.

• The CYP2C19*4, *5, *6, *7, and *8 and other alleles may be associated with absent or reduced metabolism of Plavix, but are less frequent than the CYP2C19*2 and *3 alleles.

• A patient with two loss-of-function alleles (as defined above) will have poor metabolizer status.

The pharmacokinetic and antiplatelet responses to Plavix were evaluated in a crossover trial in 40 healthy subjects. Ten subjects in each of the four CYP2C19 metabolizer groups (ultrarapid, extensive, intermediate and poor) were randomized to two treatment regimens: a 300 mg loading dose followed by 75 mg per day, or a 600 mg loading dose followed by 150 mg per day, each for a total of 5 days. After a washout period, subjects were crossed over to the alternate treatment. Decreased active metabolite exposure and decreased platelet aggregation were observed in the poor metabolizers compared to the other groups. When poor metabolizers received the 600 mg loading dose followed by 150 mg daily, active metabolite exposure and antiplatelet response were greater than with the 300 mg/75 mg regimen. Healthcare professionals should note that an appropriate dose regimen for patients who are poor metabolizers has not been established in clinical outcome trials.‹


03/15/10 7:36 PM

#92491 RE: genisi #86526

LLY presents retrospective study of Plavix “poor metabolizers” from TRITON-TIMI study:

This line of attack is probably LLY’s best hope to improve on the feeble commercial uptake of Effient, which generated only $3.8M of worldwide in 4Q09 (#msg-46078363).