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11/18/09 8:36 PM

#186650 RE: spp119 #186637

I appreciate you greatly as a poster since I feel you have excellent sources; I just dislike the news you sometimes have to relay as many times it is not what I am hoping to hear. You seem to have taken on the unappreciated role of - Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger - as your msg 183358 is a prime example. Excellent "official" source relaying crappy results.

I have stated in a number of posts that there are posters (you being one of them) that I personally feel are reliable and are passing on exactly the news which you have been given.
However, I put ALL news under the heading of "rumor" unless it has been received via an official PR of the firms in the JDZ or the JDA itself. Not meant to offend anyone, just keeping a strict difference between "official" news and all other info gleaned from this board. The main reason for this is the board does not know from what "source" each poster is getting his info and whether that source is indeed in a position to have totally accurate information.

One instance I remember clearly is that your source and the source from another poster whom I feel is very reliable had totally opposite views of a certain situation (the situation escapes me now). How are we on the board to determine who's source is correct? Again, not meaning to offend but not having the complete picture to make cut and dried decisions as to whom to believe.

Make no mistake that whether I like the news you have to pass along I always look forward to your posts and hope we get to meet someday so I can thank you in person for the valuable contribution you have made to this board. Hope this makes my position clear.

I read the msg you mentioned and did not remember identifying it as coming from EEL. It does set me back a bit as that is "official news" and goes against some of the other "rumors" we have heard about the Chinese being extremely happy w/ Blk2 results of gas, extreme pressures encountered, etc. which I would have preferred to believe.
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11/18/09 9:21 PM

#186663 RE: spp119 #186637

For the benefit of the ignorant, can you please put the information in the quote below into context (dollars and cents). I assume it means 250 billion cubic feet of gas and more or less 45 million barrels of oil equivalant. My ignorance is that I don't know if that is good or bad. It's just numbers to me. Thanks in advance.

"Mr K, the EEL board moderator and rep of the EEL SLG (Shareholders Liaison Group) has been further informed this afternoon that this gas find amounts to approx 250bcf.(ie ~45mboe).
Regret being the bearer of this rather disappointing news."
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11/19/09 10:47 AM

#186699 RE: spp119 #186637

So, what could be our displeasure with knowing there is gas in Bomu ?? Maybe not enought estimated quanity to qualify for a stand alone, it could be tied into other gas sales lines from other wells, or it could be used to help pump up the oil from other close by oil sales lines.
