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11/18/09 5:05 PM

#28522 RE: woofer #28517

woof.....your pal was wrong....she (?) didn't "nail it"....true, both Parties are horrid.....and our choice is the lesser of the evils.....

but, in today's world political climate.....the Demorats have morphed into a group of far leftists inspired by the progressive movement and an intellectual cadre who has now made it trendy to people believe in intellectualism and the notion that hegel and the rantings of marx were even remotely close to correct (which is a joke in and of itself).....

bottom line....the Dems are about the elite ruling class and working class social structure....and, not one iota of a clue as to how to produce wealth or even sustain the collective....they are just a despicible group of human beings....

the Repugs, on the other hand, anren't much better and are tied to corps and business......but, their actions are removed from the public's daily lives.....that's a key point everyone misses.....that's what makes them much easier to tolerate...

they are about wealth....that's the ONLY way progess moves....(ya can't plan progress and have it happen on schedule).....the Repugs have to get their head out of their ass and fix a couple of social issues....but, that is an easy fix......

bottom line:

both parties are a disgrace and a golden opportunity exists for the emergence of a third party to "re-set" the playing field.....a populist (as opposed to "progressive") movement is sorely needed....

but, i don't see it happening.....