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crystal clear

11/16/09 9:40 AM

#72852 RE: Domerfan17 #72849

Ok, Mr Domer - Let me see if I can approach this subject another way. As you so eloquently refer to the new investors as "sheople", we are aware of the 60M sh. that you are referencing to, BUT I think they are of LITTLE concern.

I'll explain it like this, lets go back to "integrity". If, Mr Berkowitz did NOT have any integrity, he very easily could've done a R/S, diluted the 60M sh., walked away - all with the mind set, he was looking out for himself, and making a lot of $ at others expense,right?! Given the integrity that he has proven by not doing an R/S, and diluting the sh., should speak volumes to any doubters. There will come a day that he will want to sell some of his sh. but I do NOT believe it will be at the expense of the sh. holders, there is such a thing as strategy to sell these sh., a person of integrity would sell a little at a time - as oppose to a mass sell off.