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Replies to #25542 on Bible (Bible)
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11/10/09 1:16 AM

#25543 RE: ChartPoP #25542

LP. Welcome to the board. Great question!

We are supposed to love our enemies...

Yep. That's in scripture.

but stay away from those that are wicked right?

Can you show me scripture that says that?
I'm quite sure there is some but my mind going blank.

Of course we need to see what came before and after that scripture if so.

Or maybe that is what the church has said?

Here is what I think.................

We are told to be Christlike correct?

So being like Christ just as he was in the world but not becoming OF the world we can as well.

Jesus went where? All the places others couldn't understand right? How many times was he asked why do you sit down with him or her? Talk to that person or that group?

Seems to me if we are to be CHRISTLIKE fulfilling scripture to go into all the world sharing the good news of the gospel how can we do that if we hang out only with believers?

Jesus certainly didn't. He spoke about I didn't come to heal the well. In other words the ones who already believed he didn't need to spend as much time with them he had a mission just like what we have been given to share the gospel.

Of course being with groups or individuals of different lifestyles means we had better have on the full armor of God because satan is going to be right there trying to convince us their lifestyle is better.

I go back to it is one thing to be in the world it is another to talk, act, smell, look, become exactly like the rest of the world!

If we do that how do we expect the world to see JESUS in us?

Could that be what has happened to so many seeker friendly mega churches?

People go there with the huge stage, bright lights, sound system, video's, one huge ENTERTAINMENT CENTER of worship? Really? Worship?

No reason for the church to be legalistic but the reason I don't feel revival has taken place is you can't tell much a difference between the way the church acts and looks then the world.

Sorry LP got off track a bit.

Anyways hope this helps.
To sum it up we are to be Christlike and Jesus most certainly didn't avoid the wicked.
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11/10/09 6:39 AM

#25554 RE: ChartPoP #25542

Good morning LP...
Your question...

Question~ We are supposed to love our enemies...
but stay away from those that are wicked right?

ill do my best to answer in a way that i think the Holy Spirit guides me....but as i often learning just like the rest of you in my walk with the Lord.

When i did a word search in the NKJV....i came up with 437 scriptures and / or verses that had some form of the word wicked...that being in the Old Testament. In the New Testament there was 32 scriptures / verses with some form of the word wicked.

I believe that ANY person that is not born again...falls under that to speak..of being all of us that are born again use to be wicked.

As we know, Jesus spent most of his time with the so called wicked people of his day...that would be the tax collectors...unsaved....any and all types of undesirables of the day. Now i often look at that in a couple ways. Jesus as we know was God in human form. Jesus never once sinned. So im guessing that sense Jesus was and is God...he had a better grip on being with those kinds of people and not falling to the temptations they were involved with..not be influenced by their life style.

I was a wicked person for 40 years. With my drug and alcohol addictions for 25 of those years. I know that i can be around those types of people to talk to witness to them....but do i hang around with i buddy with can bet the answer is NO. Not that as a person i think i am not....But i know very well that satan is always pounding me and their influence over me if i was with them for long periods of time MIGHT become to much. I would like to think not...but i dont know that so i dont put myself in that position.

However...when it comes to other types of unsaved / wicked people. Lets say folks that live in adultery ..that are homosexual...are in prostitution...whatever their wicked lifestyle...i can be around them on a daily basis and depend on the power of God thru the Holy Spirit to guide me and give me strength to avoid those things. I can be around them day to day and be their friend and let the light of Jesus shine thru me in hopes of helping Jesus get a foot hold into their life.

Now im sure the good Lord would help me do that with people that drink and do drugs as well....but at this point in my not ready to take that chance. Like i said...i can and am around those people some...i just dont hang out and buddy with them.

We have all types of wicked people in the church that dont know Jesus as Lord...we have to befriend them...look at those that have street ministries....they do just as Jesus does...they spend all their time with the different types of what Society calls low lifes....THATS NOT MY WORDS...JUST MAKING A POINT!

So yes...we are to love our enemies....

Matthew 5:43-45
(New International Version)
Love for Enemies

43 "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

But as far as staying away from the wicked....

Im not sure that there is scripture that says thinking not....HOWEVER...we have to know our limitations. If there is something in our with my past drug and alcohol addictions. We have to know what we can and cant do. Its first and my way of thinking..that i keep myself on the narrow path...if i stumble and fall...i dont do nobody no good.

One scripture that comes to my mind that i think ties into this....

Matthew 10:14-15
(New International Version)

14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. 15 I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.

To me that says that when im spreading the gospel...witnessing...and the wicked just dont want to hear it...dont waste my time there...there is plenty more folks that need to hear without spending all my time with wicked folks that could care less...Plant that seed and keep on truckin!

Anyway...thats my thoughts.

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11/22/09 1:54 AM

#25980 RE: ChartPoP #25542

I'll take a shot at this...

Matthew 5:44 NAS
"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

The Ryrie study Bible footnote says:
5:44 A new teaching, found nowhere in the OT.

Well yeah a new teaching for them....


2 Peter 3:17 KJ
Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

Psalm:1 NIV
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.

NIV Bible footnote says:
Speaks progressively of association with the ungodly and participation in their ungodly ways.

I heard a sermon once on this.
The preacher said something like, "Notice the man at first just walks by. Then he stops and stands. He's hanging with them now. Then before long he's sitting down with them and mocking."

True. I've seen it. fwiw

Hi everyone. Missed you all.