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10/20/04 3:41 AM

#75409 RE: BondGekko #75408


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10/20/04 6:02 AM

#75420 RE: BondGekko #75408

Why the liberals can't stand American unity

Ben Shapiro
October 20, 2004

John Kerry can't stop mouthing off about the so-called "politics of division." During the third presidential debate, Kerry blamed public polarization on President Bush:
"I regret to say that the president who called himself a uniter, not a divider, is now presiding over the most divided America in the recent memory of our country." He also claimed that he'd be able to bring Americans together. "We have to change that. And as president, I am committed to changing that."

Too bad Kerry's a liar. In the most divisive presidential campaign in American history, Kerry and the party for which he stands have set out to break all bonds, to rend young and old, rich and poor, black and white, all for the sake of political power. The Democrats don't want a united America. They want an America bitterly divided, so that they can put on their faux "healing" hats and pretend that if elected, they will bridge all gaps.

There are plenty of issues about which Americans can honestly disagree. The two major political parties in this country are vastly different breeds, despite what third-party radicals say. The Democrats are foreign-policy appeasers and United Nations patsies who fear ascendant American power. Republicans are foreign-policy hawks, American interest-first unilateralists if necessary, who wish to maximize American global dominance.

The Democrats are big-government economic liberals who pledge a balanced budget but can only reach it by raising taxes. The Republicans are big spenders, too, but largely due to the pressures of a closely divided Congress; ideally, they want to balance the budget by cutting government spending and government taxation.

The Democrats are social liberals who wish to validate the gay activist agenda, forward abortion and devaluate traditional morality in schools and in government. The Republicans are social conservatives who prize traditional morality above all else.

So there's a good deal about which to argue. But for John Kerry and his Democratic ilk, arguing the issues isn't conducive to victory. Because, really, who wants a socially liberal, fiscally spendthrift, militarily weak party leading this country?

Instead, the Democrats have created false divisions between the parties in order to frighten Americans into voting for them. Democrats target youth voters, who have largely turned in favor of President Bush, by lying about a prospective re-institution of the draft. Kerry lied to the Des Moines Register, stating that "With George Bush, the plan for Iraq is more of the same and the great potential of a draft." The Democratic National Committee featured draft rumors in a recent news release. has spread rumors of a potential draft across the Internet, and has also launched a national campus campaign titled "Feel a Draft?" Rock the Vote pushes the idea that unless American foreign policy radically changes, a draft is inevitable.

It is, of course, complete bunk. Any political party attempting to bring back the draft would feel the wrath of American voters. In fact, the only politician who has seriously mentioned bringing back the draft has been Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.).

The Democrats aren't afraid to scare the AARP crowd, either. Kerry explained that President Bush has a secret "January surprise" plan to privatize social security, cutting benefits by up to 45 percent or $500 a month for many Americans. Kerry's latest ploy? Handing out pillboxes stamped with the Kerry/Edwards logo to retirement voters in Florida -- implying, of course, that with Kerry/Edwards, you'll get your pills, but with Bush, you'll have to eat dog food.

Democrats continue their scare tactics with regard to minorities as well. The ironically named "America Coming Together" group has posted flyers in Missouri carrying a picture of a black man being hosed by a fireman. The flyer carries the caption: "This is what they used to do to keep us from voting." (Meanwhile, Democrats are doing their best to ensure the non-existent vote: An NAACP worker in Ohio paid a 22-year-old man crack cocaine in exchange for fake voter registrations, including registrations for Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy, Michael Jordan and George Foreman.)

Democrats claim that President Bush is to blame for disintegrating American unity. But the Democratic Party and John Kerry are dedicated to dividing America. Democratic ideology rests on the foundation that divisiveness must be achieved in order for communitarianism to be accepted -- destroy unity in order to gain power and create drastic change. Republican ideology rests on the formulation that unity must be achieved in order for individualism to be accepted -- foster unity within a strong and moral society in order that each individual may be respected.

The Democrats have won this battle. We are indeed divided. Let's just pray the right side -- the side promoting unity -- triumphs.
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10/20/04 6:26 AM

#75421 RE: BondGekko #75408

....a paid-per-registration canvasser said he had been instructed only to accept registrations from Republicans, and that he "might" destroy those from Democrats....

LOL! Your first article makes ZERO allegations of any
specific Republican led voter fraud. Your second link is an
investigation of ONE person.

Are you equating the investigation of one person who "might"
have committed voter fraud with the widespread voter fraud
committed by an entire organization (ACORN) that just happens
to receive funds from a Teresa Heinz Kerry foundation (the
Tides organization)?

From the Washington Times

.....One group in particular has come under scrutiny. ACORN.... has received wide attention for claiming to have registered more than 1 million new voters nationwide. But in state after state, allegations are surfacing that ACORN activists are padding the registration books.....

...In Colorado, hundreds of voter registration forms are suspect....

Police in Duluth, Minn., stopped a 19-year-old motorist for running a stop sign and discovered 300 voter registration cards in the trunk of his car.... the driver, an ex-ACORN employee.... he was registering voters twice to double his fee.....

....Hamilton County officials subpoenaed 19 voter registration cards turned in by ACORN with similar handwriting and false addresses. In Columbus, Ohio, officials discovered dozens of faked names on voter cards and have indicted one ACORN worker.....

....In the battleground state of Florida, ACORN claims to have registered 212,000 voters for the general election. But one of them was the mayor of St. Petersburg who received a letter telling him he was ineligible to vote because his registration form was not turned in on time. Mayor Charles Schuh discovered someone from ACORN had fraudulently submitted his name.... ACORN is also under state and federal investigation in Miami-Dade County for unlawfully registering former felons to vote. (In New Orleans, ACORN registered 700 new voters at the jailhouse by signing up prisoners awaiting trial but not yet found guilty of a crime.) An ACORN worker registered a 13-year-old to vote in Albuquerque, N.M.

...."There's a lot of fraud committed," said former ACORN Miami-Dade field director Mac Stuart in the Oct. 2 Florida Today. He charges that ACORN submitted thousands of invalid registration cards while failing to turn in cards from registered Republicans.

ACORN's founder and chief organizer is one Wade Rathke... Mr. Rathke is chairman of the board of the San Francisco-based Tides Center and a board member of its affiliated Tides Foundation, the left-wing grantmaker that specializes in helping new political advocacy groups get organized. Grants from the Heinz Endowments, whose chairman is Teresa Heinz Kerry, to and from the Tides organizations have been the subject of major news stories recently, which speculate on the impact Mrs. Heinz Kerry's private philanthropy will have on the policies of a Kerry administration. The Tides connection to ACORN raises even more questions.

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10/20/04 6:31 AM

#75422 RE: BondGekko #75408

Why the liberals can't stand American unity

Ben Shapiro
October 20, 2004

John Kerry can't stop mouthing off about the so-called "politics of division." During the third presidential debate, Kerry blamed public polarization on President Bush:
"I regret to say that the president who called himself a uniter, not a divider, is now presiding over the most divided America in the recent memory of our country." He also claimed that he'd be able to bring Americans together. "We have to change that. And as president, I am committed to changing that."

Too bad Kerry's a liar. In the most divisive presidential campaign in American history, Kerry and the party for which he stands have set out to break all bonds, to rend young and old, rich and poor, black and white, all for the sake of political power. The Democrats don't want a united America. They want an America bitterly divided, so that they can put on their faux "healing" hats and pretend that if elected, they will bridge all gaps.

There are plenty of issues about which Americans can honestly disagree. The two major political parties in this country are vastly different breeds, despite what third-party radicals say. The Democrats are foreign-policy appeasers and United Nations patsies who fear ascendant American power. Republicans are foreign-policy hawks, American interest-first unilateralists if necessary, who wish to maximize American global dominance.

The Democrats are big-government economic liberals who pledge a balanced budget but can only reach it by raising taxes. The Republicans are big spenders, too, but largely due to the pressures of a closely divided Congress; ideally, they want to balance the budget by cutting government spending and government taxation.

The Democrats are social liberals who wish to validate the gay activist agenda, forward abortion and devaluate traditional morality in schools and in government. The Republicans are social conservatives who prize traditional morality above all else.

So there's a good deal about which to argue. But for John Kerry and his Democratic ilk, arguing the issues isn't conducive to victory. Because, really, who wants a socially liberal, fiscally spendthrift, militarily weak party leading this country?

Instead, the Democrats have created false divisions between the parties in order to frighten Americans into voting for them. Democrats target youth voters, who have largely turned in favor of President Bush, by lying about a prospective re-institution of the draft. Kerry lied to the Des Moines Register, stating that "With George Bush, the plan for Iraq is more of the same and the great potential of a draft." The Democratic National Committee featured draft rumors in a recent news release. has spread rumors of a potential draft across the Internet, and has also launched a national campus campaign titled "Feel a Draft?" Rock the Vote pushes the idea that unless American foreign policy radically changes, a draft is inevitable.

It is, of course, complete bunk. Any political party attempting to bring back the draft would feel the wrath of American voters. In fact, the only politician who has seriously mentioned bringing back the draft has been Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.).

The Democrats aren't afraid to scare the AARP crowd, either. Kerry explained that President Bush has a secret "January surprise" plan to privatize social security, cutting benefits by up to 45 percent or $500 a month for many Americans. Kerry's latest ploy? Handing out pillboxes stamped with the Kerry/Edwards logo to retirement voters in Florida -- implying, of course, that with Kerry/Edwards, you'll get your pills, but with Bush, you'll have to eat dog food.

Democrats continue their scare tactics with regard to minorities as well. The ironically named "America Coming Together" group has posted flyers in Missouri carrying a picture of a black man being hosed by a fireman. The flyer carries the caption: "This is what they used to do to keep us from voting." (Meanwhile, Democrats are doing their best to ensure the non-existent vote: An NAACP worker in Ohio paid a 22-year-old man crack cocaine in exchange for fake voter registrations, including registrations for Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy, Michael Jordan and George Foreman.)

Democrats claim that President Bush is to blame for disintegrating American unity. But the Democratic Party and John Kerry are dedicated to dividing America. Democratic ideology rests on the foundation that divisiveness must be achieved in order for communitarianism to be accepted -- destroy unity in order to gain power and create drastic change. Republican ideology rests on the formulation that unity must be achieved in order for individualism to be accepted -- foster unity within a strong and moral society in order that each individual may be respected.

The Democrats have won this battle. We are indeed divided. Let's just pray the right side -- the side promoting unity -- triumphs.

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10/20/04 9:43 AM

#75439 RE: BondGekko #75408

Voter frauds on the left

Washington Times

Since the 2000 election, it has become an article of faith for the Democratic Party and its allies on the political left that George W. Bush won by suppressing the black vote in Florida and elsewhere.

John Kerry and Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe have made numerous speeches declaring that Democrats must remain vigilant against a repeat of such Republican chicanery. People For the American Way, New York Times columnists Bob Herbert and Paul Krugman and some members of the Congressional Black Caucus have been recycling a false story suggesting that Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has dispatched state police to the homes of elderly blacks in an effort to discourage them from voting. DNC officials have produced a manual urging party members to publicly challenge Republican efforts to "intimidate" voters even if there is no evidence that intimidation is taking place.

Meanwhile, America Votes, a 32-member coalition of anti-Bush organizations — led by such groups as George Soros', America Coming Together and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees — is spending $100 million on a campaign that voting officials say has resulted in a massive increase in voters nationwide. The aim of this door-to-door voter-registration drive is to identify undecided and potential Democratic voters in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and 11 other battleground states.

One member of the coalition, a left-wing activist group known as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), claims to have registered 1 million new voters since July 2003. The problem is that at least some of these were fraudulently registered. ACORN's western regional director acknowledged in an interview with this newspaper that several hundred of those new registrants in Colorado were fraudulent, but sought to downplay the problem with the explanation that registration fraud is different from voter fraud: "Just because you register someone 35 times doesn't mean they get to vote 35 times."

Not everyone finds this reassuring. Authorities in several states are investigating whether thousands of voter registrations have been fraudulently submitted — many of them by members of the America Votes coalition. In Florida, the Justice Department and state authorities are investigating charges by a former ACORN field director that workers for the organization routinely withheld Republican voter registrations, while thousands of invalid voter registration cards were submitted in their place.

Regarding the 2000 election, allegations of mass voter intimidation and suppression in Florida were determined to be unfounded by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, which spent six months investigating the charges. In recent months, Messrs. Herbert and Krugman of the New York Times have given extensive publicity to charges that members of the Florida state police tried to intimidate black voters while investigating fraud in the Orlando mayoral election this year. After conducting his own investigation of the charges, Jeffrey Billman, a columnist for the liberal Orlando Weekly newspaper, pronounced them "bull—." Saying they were part of a legitimate investigation into whether one of the candidates manipulated absentee ballots.

Thus far, the evidence suggests that the Bush-bashers are the people engaged in political chicanery when it comes to the question of voting rights.