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IH Geek [Dave]

11/08/09 11:29 AM

#93773 RE: p_chen #93772

First, your posting you cite below is off-topic. It is about you, not about WAMUQ which is the only topic of that board.

Next, you posted my PM in public - it is a violation of the User Agreement to post the content of ANY PM on a public board without the author's prior consent.

Next, it would have been difficult to respond since you have blocked PMs from me.

I asked for clarifications from IH Geek[Dave], then after seconds I got banned for no explainations.

What you did was 1) make another off-topic post, and 2) post a PM in public. In other words, you took the wrong fork in the road. While here, ponder the error of your ways:

"Context, Context Johnny. How many times I told you?? You can't cut and paste and then put it in your way. Now that proves you are intentionally misleading news and weaks."

That is not about WAMUQ - it is about another user and your irrelevant perceptions of their alleged motives for posting.

"You here keep casting doubts and misleading information. All what you said is purely your own speculation that fits to your agenda. Give us a damn proof saying TPG was to assist WMI to sell itself. Every time someone counter-argue back with proofs, you choose to end of the discussion on your initiated one. That's clear to all of us, Mr. Clown. I really don't understand why the board hasn't banned you. Ah-hah, "a monkey show" is very entertaining during no news periods.

Once again, that is nothing more than your juvenile comments attacking another user and your irrevenant views of their "agenda". Every reader has the duty and privilege to determine for themselves the the veracity and credibility of post and posters, respectively. If you find either lacking then your sole recourse is to challenge the content of the post without resorting to childish attacks on the author, or in the alternative to remain silent.

Is this the way the admins. show the authority or their superior positions above other users without providing legitimate and reasonable reasons?

I gave you the courtesy of a private warning. You chose not only to ignore it, but to perpetuate it with further violations of the site's rules of conduct. Enjoy your stay here.

Of course, since you have me on Ignore you won't see this. Such is life.