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10/19/04 12:16 PM

#3731 RE: diamonddonna #3722

What's the matter? Don't you have command of the english language? Get a Dictionary.

One entry found for delineate.

Main Entry: de·lin·eate
Pronunciation: di-'li-nE-"At
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -eat·ed; -eat·ing
Etymology: Latin delineatus, past participle of delineare, from de- + linea line
1 a : to indicate or represent by drawn or painted lines b : to mark the outline of <lights delineating the narrow streets>
2 : to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail <delineate a character in the story> <delineate the steps to be taken by the government>
- de·lin·ea·tor /-E-"A-t&r/ noun