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10/18/04 11:53 PM

#74977 RE: wstera2 #74959

"I have known from the beginning that they were
only repeating discredited lies and have links to irrefutable
facts that show they are lies."

So you think that internet links provide proof.
You must be living in a dream world of your own making.
Try this link for some proof:

How could you possibly know from the beginning?
You are claiming a preternatural gift. Nonsense!
You don't know these people any better than the rest of us.

When pointed to the source that can prove that the "Swift Boat Veterans for The Truth" were assembled by Nixon and Colson
to counter the anti war movement in the US you refuse to go see the movie - "Going Upriver" which is made from the news reels from that period.

O' Neil is a worthless political hack.

So you have discredited yourself and you are a simpleton masquerading as a know it all.