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11/03/09 9:13 AM

#202 RE: Gamco #201

United States Patent 7,613,119
Zuniga , et al. November 3, 2009

Self-configurable wireless local area network node

In a wireless local area network including an access controller (AC) and an access points (AP), the AC transmits a functionality inquiry to the AP. Upon receiving the inquiry, the AP transmits a query response including the functional capabilities of the AP. The AC then generates a map of the functional capabilities present in the network based on the inquiry response. Conflicting or redundant functional capabilities are identified and are disabled, enabled, or reconfigured by instructions from the AC. The AC may selectively enable and/or disable functional capabilities at nodes in the network to provide a more balanced load on the network, and to provide for load sharing by allocating functionalities between and among network nodes having common functional capabilities to satisfy a variety of situations encountered in the network.

Inventors: Zuniga; Juan Carlos (Montreal, CA), Rudolf; Marian (Montreal, CA), Rahman; Shamim Akbar (Montreal, CA)
Assignee: InterDigital Technology Corporation (Wilmington, DE)

Appl. No.: 11/321,393
Filed: December 29, 2005


Related U.S. Patent Documents


Application Number Filing Date Patent Number Issue Date
60670174 Apr., 2005


Current U.S. Class: 370/236 ; 370/338
Current International Class: H04J 1/16 (20060101)
Field of Search: 370/331,338,236