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10/31/09 7:42 PM

#30986 RE: ls7550 #30985

Here's some example data for raw DDM (Dow Ultra) prices.

AIM would run against the 4th column 'Price' values and share in a part of the 23.6% ('Product') gain.
DDM Open
21-Jun-06 70.83
03-Jul-06 73.15
01-Aug-06 72.3
01-Sep-06 75.73
02-Oct-06 78.8
01-Nov-06 84.63 10m ma Price Change
01-Dec-06 86.68 indicator Factor
03-Jan-07 83.84
01-Feb-07 84.93
01-Mar-07 78 OUT
02-Apr-07 80.62 IN 80.62
01-May-07 89.79 IN 89.79 1.1137
01-Jun-07 97.95 IN 97.95 1.0909
02-Jul-07 94.31 IN 94.31 0.9628
01-Aug-07 90.68 IN 90.68 0.9615
04-Sep-07 91.38 IN 91.38 1.0077
01-Oct-07 99.25 IN 99.25 1.0861
01-Nov-07 96.96 IN 96.96 0.9769
03-Dec-07 90.59 OUT 90.59 0.9343
02-Jan-08 85.75 OUT
01-Feb-08 77.11 OUT
03-Mar-08 71.99 OUT
01-Apr-08 73.1 OUT
01-May-08 77.77 OUT
02-Jun-08 75.29 OUT
01-Jul-08 59.58 OUT
01-Aug-08 61.17 OUT
02-Sep-08 64.11 OUT
01-Oct-08 52.96 OUT
03-Nov-08 37.6 OUT
01-Dec-08 31.48 OUT
02-Jan-09 32.15 OUT
02-Feb-09 25.87 OUT
02-Mar-09 20 OUT
01-Apr-09 22.62 OUT
01-May-09 26.96 OUT
01-Jun-09 30.02 OUT
01-Jul-09 28.98 OUT
03-Aug-09 34.31 IN 34.31
01-Sep-09 36.05 IN 36.05 1.0507
01-Oct-09 37.74 IN 37.74 1.0469

Product 1.2360
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10/31/09 10:48 PM

#30987 RE: ls7550 #30985

Hi Clive,

Thanks for the sentiments. One day this pain will be a distant memory for me and I will recommend knee replacement surgeries to all my friends:-).

That sounds like a simple enough strategy to employ. First thought that comes to mind is wondering if a 44 week MA or even a 200 day MA might be more optimal than a 10 month MA.

Second thought is would an investor be better off checking the prices and MA status daily if the current price is very close to its current moving average rather than just checking it only once a month?

I will experiment around with some of my favorite leveraged ETFs and see how they might have fared in this bull-bear-bull market with this strategy.

Best regards,

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11/01/09 9:19 AM

#30991 RE: ls7550 #30985

Hi Clive

>>>>Overlay Mebane's timing model on top of AIM. That is review AIM monthly whenever the current price is above the 10 month simple moving average. Whenever the price is below the 10 month simple moving average at the review date then sell out of the stock and stop any subsequent AIM reviews, but still check monthly to see if the current price is greater than the 10 month simple moving average and restart AIM'ing once so (buying back previously sold stock - and possibly more if AIM so indicates). <<<<

I am not saying this wouldn't work but

1) after you sell out you MAY be buying back in at a lower price. (well and good)

2) After that you would HOPEFULLY have a string of sells as the stock continues up

3) (the part that bothers me) As a stock drops but is still above the moving average (maybe this happens rarely) AIM would have you buy before selling out as the stock drops below the moving average. You would then be selling stock at a lower price than you bought it.

Would #3 occur rarely enough that you wouldn't be losing money along with the usual wipsawing that occurs when following a technical indicators.

How does your method compare with

1) Only doing AIM SELLS above the moving average

2) Only doing BUYS below the moving average

but otherwise leaving AIM the same .
