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10/30/09 1:21 PM

#93616 RE: IH Dan (Retired) #93610

Open letter to Admins Matt & Dan -

I will be brief - this post from the co-called 'Biotech Values' board caught my attention -

Now read this, from our board, the 'DNDN Pirates of Biotech' -

So, is it real, or is it just a game ? Well if not yet convinced, then ask her -

And what about the Biotech averages this year ? no, not down, but way up, in fact Way, Way UP =>

So it is REAL. Why ? Because your so-called 'Biotech Values' board has an erroneous name. The amount of real biotech DD that goes on there is close to ZERO. Look at it, the posts are about politics, personal health, Big/Giant Pharma (those posts always "look" good), irrelevant legal cases, journalism articles, and minimally about a narrow and disatstrously un-diversified coupleo biotechs. This year they just dissed a boat-load of biotechs that then simply rocketed - afterwards they dont even talk about them. The core over there actually HATE and FEAR the core of biotech !!!!

And these losses have been going on for years (and I warned you guys 2 years ago), the popularization of a few stocks, almost every single one of which has imploded - they no longer mention GTCB following its collapse, but just look at its board for all those caught up in it - and at the same time, the core board members have ill-concealed hate for popular stocks like ELN and DNDN - which did delver 10x to 15x this year, and where its fan base is now 99.99% on IV.

What to do ? The 'Biotech Values' board desperately needs to be re-named so that new ihubber/investors are not mis-led; and furthermore a disclaimer/warning MUST be prominently displayed on the board i-Box - right now it essentially reads like iHub biotech investing policy.