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10/28/09 1:16 PM

#71493 RE: XBladeRob #71488

Regardless of how low the stock price goes from here the company is taking real steps on the path of their business plan. One never knows but it appears the business plan has potential considering the significant mineral deposits present and many additional factors we have learned about the project.

The company knows what they have and are attempting to maximize the return on what they have. Best I can tell they could care less where the stock price is along the journey as they know it will be higher in the end.

So if you think you should cut and run because you can't see 0.03 cents than I would do so but my investment is a bet of wing big or lose it all.
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10/28/09 1:20 PM

#71494 RE: XBladeRob #71488

I'm sorry, I thought you just said you hadn't sold a share yet.

So, you have NOT lost any money, much less "to the tune of thousands of dollars".

Get a grip. Quit your bitching and forget about this stock for the next several months. Check back periodically to see the new developments and chime in with your (constructive) thoughts on where the company is.

If you needed a quick gain, this was NEVER the place to put your money. No one here worth their salt has ever said this was good for a flipper.

So if you can't handle it, sell. Otherwise, shut up, quit the hand wringing and indecision and let the company do what it needs to do to make us all a boatload of money. It's just going to take time.

Yeesh...some people.
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10/28/09 1:20 PM

#71496 RE: XBladeRob #71488

The most compelling reason I can give you is the results of the feasibility. I think we start to move once those come in. That should be any time, as SGS have been working on it for about 4 months now.

I also think that some Shining Tree assay results will give us a boost also. Hell, even some pictures of drill cores.

Stay strong XBladeRob. I'm in the same boat as you, but keeping the faith.
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10/28/09 1:28 PM

#71502 RE: XBladeRob #71488

XBlade, if having billions of dollars in the ground aren't reason enough, good luck on your future trades. Why should anyone here try to convince you to stay?
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10/28/09 5:48 PM

#71538 RE: XBladeRob #71488

You are confusing your own decisions in buying and selling, and your motivations for doing so, with anything that matters in the management of the company, the value they own, the timelines on which events will occur, or the price of a share.

The first part of success in any investment... buy low. What that means is relative, and it depends on the market, and the time in which you act relative to the time in which events occur that alter the market price of a share.

Looks to me like SRSR is doing just fine... both in terms of what the company is doing, and in terms of how shares are trading.

SRSR is an EXPLORATION company... not a producer... yet. So, you should expect it will behave like one.

In terms of properly timing an entry point here ? It think it likely that only two things will matter... the time line on which events DO take place that alter market interest in and perception of the value... and the time line on which patterns in the markets will tend to play out and influence market interest in the shares, and perception of value as a function, only, of relative price.

For now, I'd look, first, at the calendar and consider it for the timing in events in EXPLORATION, while expecting the shares will tend to do what they will tend to do given the market situation... and then, I'd look closely at a two year chart... while noting that the closest chart proxy I see is something around August of last year.

Given that... although I genuinely don't know what surprises in timing might be lurking out there, particularly in regard to Shining Tree... I expect SRSR can continue to drift for a while... and is VERY likely to repeat something very like the four or five similar chart patterns we repeated on a two year weekly chart. A lot obviously still depends on what ELSE happens in the stock, tech, and commodity markets that isn't specifically about SRSR and its unique efforts at all...

Given the uncertainties in timing ? Still not clear in my crystal ball what the absolute market bottom in SRSR in the current company / stock cycle likely will be. I won't be shocked to see the previous patterns repeated... with the bottom occurring somewhere pretty near the longer term moving averages... with how low it goes before bottoming and turning back up looking like a function of how rapidly that happens. If the markets (commodities and stocks) continue to do as well as they might be expected to by an optimist... the bottom might take some time to be reached, but that should be at a higher value the longer it takes. Of course, that still assumes company fundamentals don't wrest control of the market away from the traders who ponder charts and price performance more than company performance, fundamentals and value.

I doubt SRSR will precisely duplicate prior chart patterns. You might guess it is likely it won't go below previous highs even in a bad market... or that it won't go below comparable chart lows even in a bad market... and end up guessing that $0.03 to $.045 is in a range of potential lows that is going to prove a level at which the existing large "holders" will again begin to become persistent acquirers.

I do think the next move higher is likely to be a reasonable mimic of prior moves higher, too... having SRSR carving out some similar chart patterns, with another order of magnitude difference in the numbers on the scale. SRSR is easily worth quite a lot more than it sells for, now... making it a solid value at or below current prices... which doesn't mean that buying shares today means someone else will want to buy them from you tomorrow for $1 more than you paid.

That admittedly overly broad brush I've applied... suggests you ought to be thinking about a minimum four to six month time frame in considering things from here... while always leaving open the potential for surprises to occur in the interim, which management (and markets) have shown an ability to deliver in the past. Things DO take some time to make happen, in the real world... more time is required for market perceptions to adjust to changed reality... and that element of time has vastly more impact on many of your fellow investors perceptions, and thus on price, than it does on value.