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10/27/09 11:15 AM

#10860 RE: dounome #10855

do, it's going to kill me but I gotta root for your Sillies now that the Yankmees are in.
I'm a Mets and Red Sox fan so this is the worst match up in the World Series imaginable!
But I HATE the Yankmees even more than the Sillies so I hope they lose more. Actually, just like the football game last night, I'll be rooting for poor performance and injuries(I'm a Giants fan). I hope A-Rod strikes out a lot and goes 0 for 20 and then gets beaned in the head at his last at bat and it ends his carreer. lol
Pretty funny...Mark Haines on CNBC is also a Mets, Red Sox, and Giants (football) fan. We're probably the only 2 in the country. He said he's rooting for RAIN. LOL funny dude!
I'd just like to see a Sillies sweep. 1-0 every game! lol