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10/25/09 5:44 AM

#29772 RE: rocketeer357 #29770

LMFRAO, rocketeer! You STILL don't get it, do you? Obviously, you NEVER will. Just like the people who diss'ed CTUM (now CTGI) at .04, before it ran to .385 on the first spike, and onto $2.39 on it's last big burst.

Say what ye will, but I know better (than to listen to your rhetoric).

While your 'opinions' may 'sound' justfified, $2.39 is FACT, and NO ONE can deny THAT!

If it happened once, and the Company's fundamentals have not changed since (which they have NOT), there's literally/virtually no reason to believe the past cannot be re-visited, with even better results the next time around.

Plain.........................and simple.


10/25/09 7:04 AM

#29773 RE: rocketeer357 #29770

My apologies rocketeer, but I'd like to 'pick' on your post here for a spell, for lack of anything else better to do at the time.

First of all, you clearly admit 'almost'... re: almost everyone".

That's a 'LMAO' because you assume everyone else invested here, thinks like you do, which I ASSURE you, they do NOT!(Remember, there's 300+ CTGI investors!)

Truth be known, 'almost' everyone invested here is willing to wait, no complaining necessary, for DR to 'pull the next lion' out of his hat. Sorry that a few are impatient.

Diatribe, as you put it? Or just a simple 'chill out and be patient'? If you LACK patience, do what common sense dictates: sell.

Frank or Richard still associated? Who really cares? LTC has FDA approval. Heck with Frank or Richard. They are NOT the 'end-all' of LTC. They got us through FDA approval and that's all that's most important. Get over it and move on. Quit the trivial BS! If it's cheap shares you want, just say it!

Serious connections?

Again, LMAO! Did DR have 'serious connections' when he announced for the FIRST TIME, a contract with DuPont? Hail no!

Pre-announced 'connections' mean nothing!

Rocketeer, I've told investors time and again, if they're a-holes when contacting management, don't expect replies. This applies to literally EVERYONE, including ME!

The CO2 Separator? It works just fine in Ukraine. Leave it to U.S. laws, rules, and regulations to f*ck everything up. Also, no thanks to LGB to throw a wrench in on the LFG affair. If you TRULY understood the whole matter, as maddogs has revealed, LGB's entire remaining LIFE boiled down to justifying his 'ownership' with approx. 1600 of his own investors, in 'alternative energies'.

You wanna debate?

I'm ready, but forgive me, I really don't have time for nonsensical issues that only seek cheap shares, or appease personal shortcomings in DD.