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10/24/09 3:38 PM

#3239 RE: sykes111 #3237

post it & I'll read, your site does not interest me or many others I would imagine. Don't believe short or don't invest, scared sell as your shares will probably go to me on bid support as well, not some shorter or someone short on knowledge ;-) You bet your way, I'll bet mine! You're the top trader followed out of 35,000 as I read you posted; well I made more than that Friday alone, $35k that is. I'll continue to follow my trading philosophy's, you follow yours.


10/25/09 3:12 AM

#3259 RE: sykes111 #3237

SEC filings are very informative, as charts are...but they only show the past of a company, and seeing how AWSL ius a faily new company, in a new sectir, it doesnt apply here.... I invested in this company's converter inverter technology, which give way higher yields in renewable energy...i also invested in this new company because of their managemnt, who are top nothch,,,,and it so happen that this company is focusing on the hottest part of north amrerica where renewable energy is purchased at a 800% premium to anywhere in the U.S (are you sure you understand this part of it, because you havent mentioned it am investing in the future of a company, and the Renewable Energy sector is so new, especially in Canada, there is no past to discuss.....there is no history up there in this industry, yet they now have the strongest feed in tariff program in north america, some say in all of the world (do you want me to explain what i a feed in tariff program is ?

Mr. sykes, you mentioned in one of your other posts that all of the big companies have this sector locked up already....i'm just wondering, what big companies are your referring to ? please tell me who the major players up here in ontario are.

Are you referring to the largest proprty manegement company in north america (Cushamn Wakefield) ?...afterall, we are talking about renting rooftops for solar.....and not necessarily just solar...this can be referred to a a real estate play too, so dont be fooled...
Do you really think cushman and wakefiled would allow their name being aligned with AWSL's if this was a B/S ...???? would there not be some reprocussions ?

Think about it...better yet, call cushman and ask...please report your findings....we will al be watching with anticipation...

this could be the micro cap stcok of the year, a true sleeper, your not so typical would of , could have , should have story...

...i love the underdog, and AWSL has only been proving itself over and what is likely about to roll out close....

i expect to see several million dollar contracts start rolling out month after month......hundrfeds of millions of dollar, guaranteed to be paid by a stable , innovative gonverment, over a 20 year much for here today, gone tomorrow........this is the hottest sector in the hottest part of north america for this sector, due to this massive, aggressive feed in tariff program, ...and this is all still brand new.......its only 2.5 weeks old from today, for god sakes, and awsl has been preparing and wating for it for well over a year......postioning them selves to take full advantage...

i expect as they release more good news after good news, you will likely only counter everything they report with more lies...bring it on i say...

i might also remind you, awsl acquired hybridyne power systems canada, who had already built "several" renewable energy parks in ontraio prior to the feed in tariff, prior to being acquired by you really think hybridyne stopped working once they were acquired last year.....the company's filings are due soon.....are you willing to be your last dollar that there are no revneue reported...

.....surely you're smarter than that...

warmest regards,