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10/26/09 7:12 AM

#17106 RE: ljbutler1951 #17104

That attempt was tried and failed. this is a dead fight. Read back on the posts, you see a class action lawsuit attempt did occur but failed.

You'll never likely recover any losses here.

In about 3-4 months from now, you'll be writing this off on your taxes.

just get out your 1099-tax form and wait till tax season.

The IRS will already up to their ears with billions of soon to be claimed "Capital losses" that incurred from this years market crash and other Tax refunds filings in the tax season of 2010.

And finally, if this stock is no longer trading, why the hell is this forum still post’able?

Stocks That were already no longer listed for trading usually have their forums removed. That is, unless, 'Shearson Financial Network' is planning to be reinstated and begin trading again. (wink-wink).

Or the iHUB is getting Lazy..