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10/20/09 12:05 PM

#19222 RE: POKERSAM #19220

Global Warming Swindle - I apologize if I may have posted this here once before, but it bears repeating...

We need alternative energy (biofuels, wind, solar) as a supplement to increased domestic production from all sources (oil, gas, coal, and nuclear) for one primary reason: energy independence from the terrorist sympathizer regimes of the world.

However, the whole global warming/climate change canard is not only bad science, but is the biggest hoax ever put forth on an undereducated public whose eyes glaze over when they hear the word “science”. Please check out the below video link in its entirety and then validate the following salient points...

1) The scientific method *requires* that when there is presumed “cause and effect”, the cause must actually precede the effect.

2) Historical CO2 levels are "recorded" in the air bubbles trapped in the polar ice. Core samples reveal that there is in fact a close correlation between CO2 and global temperature over time, but when examined on a fine enough scale, the rise in temperature consistently *precedes* the rise in CO2 by several hundred years.

3) The two gases most responsible for the greenhouse effect are CO2 and water vapor, both of which are naturally occurring and hence are not "pollutants". In fact, plant life actually *dies* without CO2. The rise in global temperature can be directly attributed to increased levels of solar radiation which warms the earth and causes the oceans to give off more CO2 and water vapor, hence the observed “lag”.

4) To date, there is no known method for controlling the level of solar activity, although many think we should cripple our economy with cap and tax and/or spend a couple trillion dollars to invent something. Good luck with that.

5) The climate has been warming since the peak of the last ice age ~ 10,000 years ago, long before the puny effect of humans had *any* discernable impact on the planet.

6) Those who support the global warming/climate change arguments typically have hidden agendas (e.g. getting my research funded, limiting further development, pulling in big lecture fees, etc.).

7) Al Gore is a total idiot.